NIH researchers will track the spread of coronavirus among 2,000 families

As students prepare to head back to school, a new study will be tracking the rate of novel coronavirus spread among children and their families. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) is looking at transmission among nearly 2,000 households across the US.  Researchers hope to determine the percentage of children who become … Read more

Researchers develop an artificial intelligence that can spot ‘hidden connections’ between paintings

Art curators could face competition as researchers have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) that can spot ‘hidden connections’ between paintings.  Parallels in styles, themes and motifs can link artworks painted in vastly different points in time and space — and shine new light on both works. However, even the most knowledgeable of art critics could … Read more

Old tyres and building rubble could be used to make sustainable roads, researchers claim 

Old tyres and building rubble could be used to make sustainable roads while recycling waste that would otherwise end up in landfill, researchers have claimed. Developed by researchers from Australia, the new road-covering material is the first to combine rubble and rubber in a mix optimised to meet road safety standards. The recycled blend, designed … Read more

There will be more than a BILLION CCTV cameras globally by the end of next year, researchers claim

Feeling watched? More than a BILLION CCTV cameras will be in operation around the world by the end of next year, researchers claim, as London comes THIRD in a list of 20 most surveilled cities 18 of the top 20 most surveilled cities in the league table are found in China London came third with … Read more

There will be more than a BILLION CCTV cameras globally by the end of next year, researchers claim

Feeling watched? More than a BILLION CCTV cameras will be in operation around the world by the end of next year, researchers claim, as London comes THIRD in a list of 20 most surveilled cities 18 of the top 20 most surveilled cities in the league table are found in China London came third with … Read more

Thousands saved if paramedics gave antibiotics for sepsis, researchers say

‘Let 999 crews treat sepsis’: Thousands of patients suffering from blood poisoning could be saved if paramedics gave intravenous antibiotics, study finds Sepsis UK death rate of 44,000 a year is halved if treatment starts within an hour Researchers say lives could be saved if paramedics are trained to use antibiotics There are no national guidelines … Read more

GoPro for beetles: Researchers create a tiny robotic camera backpack

A tiny robotic camera backpack has been created by scientists that can be strapped on the back of insects to record the world from the perspective of a bug. The GoPro-style action camera for beetles was made by scientists in the US and weighs just 250 milligrams – about one-tenth the weight of a playing card. … Read more

Researchers discover cat remains in Poland that could date back to 4,200BC

Researchers discover 6,200 year old cat remains in Poland where the animals lived on the periphery of human farming settlements ‘somewhere between wild and domesticated’ Cat bones were discovered in four caves in southern Poland dating to 4,200 BCE The bones are one of the earliest examples of cats living in northern Europe Analysis of … Read more

Researchers invent robotic hand that can untangle cords and cables and eventually even fold clothes

MIT researchers invent robotic hand that can untangle cords and cables and may eventually complete household tasks like folding clothes The robot can handle fine-motor tasks like untangling cords It may eventually be able to tie knots and fold clothes The bot uses soft feelers made of rubbers and embedded with cameras  It has applications … Read more

South Africans accuse researchers of testing coronavirus vaccine on poor and vulnerable Africans

Protesters rallying against Africa’s first coronavirus vaccine have accused researchers of ‘manipulating the vulnerable’ into volunteering for testing of Oxford University’s coronavirus vaccine.  Around 2,000 people in South Africa are expected to take part in the Johannesburg trial, which began last week.  The vaccine is also being tested in the UK, Brazil and researchers say that … Read more