Samsung Internet gets better dark mode, protection from malicious redirects

Samsung Internet received a pretty massive upgrade when the stable version 13.0 rolled out a few weeks ago. But of course an app is only as good as the updates that follow. Now they’re bringing Samsung Internet 13.2 Beta and along with it we get things like redirect protection, URL quick access, OS settings integration, … Read more

Samsung Galaxy S21 with stylus support promised for next year

The Galaxy S21 series will offer stylus support. This we can say with confidence as Dr. TM Roh, Samsung’s President and Head of Mobile Communications Business, confirmed the idea in a recent published statement. The South Korean tech executive has proudly shared highlights of 2020 and how the company has helped usher 5G tech into … Read more

Samsung personalizes mobile experience,Galaxy S21 press image out

Samsung has started to wrap up the year by sharing the highlights and what has happened this 2020. It hasn’t been great for everyone wherever in the world but the tech giant reminded us of its contribution. Most people have learned to appreciate technology more this year as it allowed us to connect more with … Read more

Samsung, Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi,and Google working on foldable phones

The year 2021 may be the year when foldable phones will finally get into the market. Sure, we have seen the Royole Flexpai first and then the Samsung Galaxy Fold was soon commercialized last year but the foldable category isn’t really popular, at least, not yet. Other OEMs have joined the game like Huawei and … Read more