Gavin Williamson fears keeping schools shut until Whitsun could cause issues

Have you, like me, had enough yet? This is the fourth week of school closures and tempers in my household are starting to fray. Not a day seems to go by without me shouting at my 13-year-old daughter to get out of bed, to put her phone down and to tidy up after herself. When … Read more

Mayor Bill de Blasio doubles down on his decision to shutter NYC schools for the rest of the year

Bill de Blasio on Sunday doubled down on his decision to shutter NYC schools for the rest of the year a day after locking horns with Governor Andrew Cuomo.  The mayor said it was a decision he ‘had to make’, adding: ‘The bottom line here is about health and safety.’  Asked who had the final … Read more

Ex-Bank of England boss Lord King says Government should reopen schools and some businesses

Ministers faced fresh calls to publish their exit strategy for the coronavirus lockdown today.  The former bank of England Governor Lord King said that a ‘trial and error’ reopening of schools and some businesses should be considered to help re-start the economy.  The crossbench peer called for the Government to be clear about the obstacles … Read more

Denmark will reopen schools and day care centres on Wednesday as it relaxes coronavirus lockdown

Denmark will reopen schools and day care centres on Wednesday as it relaxes lockdown after number of coronavirus cases stabilises The country has seen deaths and hospital admissions stabilise in recent days Measures including restaurant closures will remain in place for at least a month Denmark’s PM, Matte Frederiksen, said it will be ‘a bit … Read more

Denmark will reopen schools and day care centres on Wednesday as it relaxes coronavirus lockdown

Denmark will reopen schools and day care centres on Wednesday as it relaxes lockdown after number of coronavirus cases stabilises The country has seen deaths and hospital admissions stabilise in recent days Measures including restaurant closures will remain in place for at least a month Denmark’s PM, Matte Frederiksen, said it will be ‘a bit … Read more

Coronavirus UK: NAHT hopes schools open before summer if safe

Schools should reopen BEFORE six-week summer holidays if it is safe to do so, headteachers say Heads says schools should reopen before the Summer holidays if it is safe   Reopening schools will have to be planned and phased, say teacher unions Research suggests closing schools  reduces death rate by two to four per cent   By … Read more

Private schools furlough staff under taxpayer funded scheme while asking parents to pay 90% of fees

Private schools are furloughing staff under taxpayer funded scheme while asking parents to pay 90% of their fees for next term – even though they will be closed in coronavirus lockdown Families left outraged at proposals by UK’s biggest private girls schools group Girls’ Day School Trust insists some parents will receive discount above 10% … Read more

British internet traffic surges by almost 50 per cent since schools closed

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Secondary schools will have an extra HALF A MILLION pupils by 2026 due to baby boom

Secondary schools will have an extra HALF A MILLION pupils by 2026 due to baby boom partly fuelled by a rise in immigration  Fifth of schools are already at full capacity and many have overcrowded lessons Additional 50,000 places were created last year in attempt to ease pressure Department of Education figures renew concerns over … Read more

Secondary schools will have an extra HALF A MILLION pupils by 2026 due to baby boom

Secondary schools will have an extra HALF A MILLION pupils by 2026 due to baby boom partly fuelled by a rise in immigration  Fifth of schools are already at full capacity and many have overcrowded lessons Additional 50,000 places were created last year in attempt to ease pressure Department of Education figures renew concerns over … Read more