Scientists are ‘totally comfortable’ for Boris Johnson to reduce the 2metre rule to 1metre

The two-metre rule is finally set to be relaxed following a significant lowering of the virus alert level. A Government source last night revealed that scientific advisers were now ‘totally comfortable’ with reducing the restriction – provided other precautions are in place. These could include making sure buildings are properly ventilated, greater use of masks … Read more

Scientists are ‘totally comfortable’ for Boris Johnson to reduce the 2metre rule to 1metre

The two-metre rule is finally set to be relaxed following a significant lowering of the virus alert level. A Government source last night revealed that scientific advisers were now ‘totally comfortable’ with reducing the restriction – provided other precautions are in place. These could include making sure buildings are properly ventilated, greater use of masks … Read more

California’s earthquake ‘swarm’ was triggered by fluid, scientists say

A strange ‘swarm’ of small earthquakes in California that lasted nearly four years was triggered by fluid spilling into the fault system from underground reservoirs, scientists say. The naturally occurring injection of underground fluid drove the earthquake swarm near Cahuilla in Southern California, which occurred in bursts around the region from early 2016 to late … Read more

Forget about birds and bees, scientists use SOAP BUBBLES to pollinate fruit trees 

Forget about birds and bees, scientists prove SOAP BUBBLES can be used to pollinate fruit trees, which could help compensate for the dramatic declines in global bee populations Japanese scientists developed a method to pollinate plants with soap bubbles The bubbles are non-toxic to plants and have a 95% success rate with pear trees They … Read more

Scientists predict Mediterranean could see a 40% decline in rainfall in coming decades 

Scientists predict Mediterranean could see a 40% decline in rainfall in the coming decades, leading to water shortages, agricultural shortfalls, and civil unrest A new MIT study predicts major rainfall shortages in the Mediterranean The declines will be driven by changes in the jetstream and shrinking difference in temperatures on land and sea that will … Read more

Scientists warn that animals could become ‘reservoirs’ of coronavirus

Animals could become ‘reservoirs’ of coronavirus and lead to a second outbreak even if it is eradicated in humans, according to scientists writing in the Lancet. Researchers from University College London say a global effort is needed to monitor possible outbreaks of the virus in various animal populations around the world. They claim that if … Read more

Coronavirus: Scientists use cow’s blood for antibody treatment

A South Dakota biopharmaceutical company is developing an antibody treatment for the novel coronavirus using cow’s blood. SAb Biotherapeutics, based in Sioux Falls, has genetically engineered the traditional  farm animal to give them immune cells from humans.   In turn, the cows produce antibodies against COVID-19, which is turned into a drug currently named SAB-185. The … Read more

Scientists are developing antibody treatment for coronavirus from cow’s blood

A South Dakota biopharmaceutical company is developing an antibody treatment for the novel coronavirus using cow’s blood. SAb Biotherapeutics, based in Sioux Falls, has genetically engineered the traditional  farm animal to give them immune cells from humans.   In turn, the cows produce antibodies against COVID-19, which is turned into a drug currently named SAB-185. The … Read more

Scientists say there may be six billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy

The Kepler mission has spotted thousands of exoplanets since 2014, with 30 planets less than twice the size of Earth now known to orbit within the habitable zones of their stars. Launched from Cape Canaveral on March 7th 2009, the Kepler telescope has helped in the search for planets outside of the solar system.  It … Read more

General anaesthetics fuel climate change, scientists warn

Switching from general to regional anaesthetics may help cut greenhouse emissions and ultimately help reduce global warming, a new study claims.   While regional anaesthetics numb a certain part of the body, general anaesthetics make patients totally unconscious for what tend to be more serious procedures.  But unlike regional anaesthetics, generals use volatile and environmentally-unfriendly halogenated agents, … Read more