Two-metre rule has NO basis in science, leading scientists say amid calls to drop the measure

Britain’s two-metre social distancing rule is based on no evidence, leading scientists have claimed amid mounting calls to drop the measure. Two University of Oxford experts argue there is little proof to support the restriction, after reviewing a World Health Organisation paper on the contentious topic. Of 38 studies, only one looked specifically at coronavirus … Read more

‘Digital sanitiser’ using UV light kills coronavirus, scientists claim 

Scientists have created a ‘digital sanitiser’ which uses a device attached to smartphone’s torch to kill bacteria and viruses, including the coronavirus.  The UVLEN device, from the South Korean company of the same name, uses ultraviolet light to rid surfaces of bugs in 10 seconds. The portable and lightweight device, which is due to launch ‘soon’ … Read more

Scientists bring wireless internet underwater for the first time using ‘Aqui-fi’

Scientists bring wireless internet underwater for the first time after testing a ‘gateway’ device that uses LASERS to transmit data to the surface Scientists built a system that acts like a WiFi booster for deep-sea divers Radio waves transmit data to a Raspberry Pi attached to the diver’s gear Lasers or LEDs send the data to … Read more

Scientists claim even consuming alcohol within weekly ‘low-risk’ guidelines can harm your health 

Alcoholism is the most severe form of alcohol abuse and involves the inability to manage drinking habits. It is organised into three categories: mild, moderate and severe. Each category has various symptoms and can cause harmful side effects. If left untreated, any type of alcohol abuse can spiral out of control.  Individuals struggling with alcoholism … Read more

Ministers fear top scientists Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance could quit over two-metre rule

Senior ministers fear the top scientists advising the Government could quit over plans to ease the two-metre rule. Professor Chris Whitty, the popular Chief Medical Officer, and Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance have made it clear they believe the current guidance on safe distancing should stay. But Boris Johnson will tomorrow pave the way for … Read more

Are scientists about to reverse their support for ‘good’ HDL cholesterol?

For decades we’ve been told there’s ‘good’ cholesterol and there’s ‘bad’ cholesterol. The bad type, known as LDL, is responsible for damaging blood vessel walls and contributes to the build-up of inflamed fatty deposits known as plaques, which raises the risk of a heart attack or stroke. The good type, called HDL, does the opposite – … Read more

Are scientists about to reverse their support for ‘good’ HDL cholesterol?

For decades we’ve been told there’s ‘good’ cholesterol and there’s ‘bad’ cholesterol. The bad type, known as LDL, is responsible for damaging blood vessel walls and contributes to the build-up of inflamed fatty deposits known as plaques, which raises the risk of a heart attack or stroke. The good type, called HDL, does the opposite – … Read more

One in five Covid-19 patients caught the virus in hospital say scientists

The UK’s hospitals have been one of the main breeding grounds for spreading Covid-19, with one in five patients catching the virus while in hospital, scientists say. Papers published by Sage, and prepared for the Cabinet Office, showed that at the peak of the crisis, transmission within hospitals was believed to account for up to … Read more

Climate change will create larger and more frequent extreme waves, scientists warn

Climate change will create stronger storm winds that trigger larger and more frequent extreme waves over the next 80 years if greenhouse emissions are not curbed, scientists warn Scientists used  computer models to predict the frequency of extreme waves The team found these events could happen 10 percent more around the world  They also warn 100-year storms … Read more

Scientists discover ‘snooze button’ in the brain that could induce ‘hibernation’

Being able to put someone in a state of suspended animation may be a step closer after scientists found the trigger in mammal brains that can induce hibernation. Researchers from the University of Tsukuba and Harvard Medical School identified the ‘snooze button’ in mice that triggered naturally occurring temporary hibernation. This natural sleeping state was also … Read more