Apple set to release its new iOS 14 TOMORROW that includes a redesigned home screen

After months of anticipation, Apple is set to release its new iOS 14 Wednesday, September 16. The announcement was made during the tech giant’s ‘Time Flies’ event, which also unveiled the new Apple Watch Series 6, iPad Air and the 8th Generation iPad. The software will be available on iPhone 6s and above, giving users … Read more

LG Wing phone with secondary screen in action, watch video here

The LG Wing will be LG Mobile’s next major product offering. It is the first Explorer Project mobile device with two screens that was confirmed recently. It comes with a secondary screen that may be used for gaming and other functions. The secondary display was shown off in exclusive demo videos recently. The device was … Read more

More ‘green time’ and less screen time ‘helps children’s mental health’

Children’s mental health and performance in school can be improved by giving them more ‘green time’ in natural environments and less ‘screen time’ spent staring at devices, new research suggests.  A review of 186 studies found time spent in woods, parks and nature reserves positively affects both kids’ psychological well-being and academic achievement.   Meanwhile, screen time – time … Read more

Magic of silver screen will survive, says boss of Vue

Sinking back into a socially-distanced leather seat at a safe distance from other customers and having to slip off your mask to tuck into the popcorn: going to the pictures is certainly different post-lockdown.  At the Vue cinema in the Westfield shopping centre in west London, film fans are greeted by a masked staff member … Read more

Ministers have defied SAGE advice to screen all hospital patients for Covid-19

Patients being discharged from NHS hospitals are still not all being tested for coronavirus — despite scientists warning ministers that the practice should be routine. Experts working on the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) — which advises Number 10 — raised concerns months ago that infected hospital patients were ‘seeding’ outbreaks. They advised ministers in … Read more