Bird named Bubba trained to whistle a song by owner in Shepparton, Victoria

Feathered fan! Orphaned bird called Bubba learns to whistle football team anthem from its owner who is grieving the loss of his pet dog  Adorable common starling taught how to whistle a tune back to its new owner   Bird named ‘Bubba’ was found orphaned under a tree in Shepparton, Victoria   Bubba’s owner Anthony, whistled a … Read more

Bird named Bubba trained to whistle a song by owner in Shepparton, Victoria

Orphaned bird named Bubba learns to whistle a soulful tune from its owner who is grieving the loss of his pet dog  Adorable common starling taught how to whistle a tune back to its new owner   Bird named ‘Bubba’ was found orphaned under a tree in Shepparton, Victoria   Bubba’s owner Anthony, whistled a peaceful tune … Read more