Google Earth user spots ‘400ft ice ship’ sitting off the coast of Antarctica

A Google Earth user discovered what they believe to be a ‘400ft ice ship’ lying in an iceberg about 100 miles from the coast of Antarctica.  The huge ice structure was picked up on Google Earth south of New Zealand and has a striking resemblance to a cruise liner with a line of windows and … Read more

Google Earth user spots ‘400ft ice ship’ sitting off the coast of Antarctica

A Google Earth user discovered what they believe to be a ‘400ft ice ship’ lying in an iceberg about 100 miles from the coast of Antarctica.  The huge ice structure was picked up on Google Earth south of New Zealand and has a striking resemblance to a cruise liner with a line of windows and … Read more

Beirut’s explosives were carried on ‘scrap’ cargo ship, reports say

The leader of Hezbollah has strongly denied that his militant political group had stored arms at Beirut’s port, describing the cataclysmic explosion there as ‘a major tragedy’. ‘We have nothing in the port: not an arms depot, nor a missile depot nor missiles nor rifles nor bombs nor bullets nor (ammonium) nitrate,’ Hassan Nasrallah said … Read more

Beirut’s explosives were carried on ‘scrap’ cargo ship, reports say

The explosive chemicals which caused the Beirut disaster may have been diverted to Lebanon on purpose, it has been claimed.  The shipment of ammonium nitrate was officially destined for Mozambique when it sailed on the cargo ship Rhosus in 2013, but the vessel made an unscheduled stop in Beirut where the chemicals were impounded.  A … Read more

Airbus commissioned to build the first ‘interplanetary cargo ship’

NASA’s Perseverance mission launched today and will collect at least 20 rock samples from the surface of Mars.  But engineers have already set their eyes on how these samples, which will be stored on the Martian surface, will be returned to Earth.  The European Space Agency has revealed that Airbus-France will be in charge of building … Read more

Dunkirk ‘Little Ship’ which rescued 130 troops during World War II evacuation is sold for £40,000

The evacuation from Dunkirk was one of the biggest operations of the Second World War and was one of the major factors in enabling the Allies to continue fighting. It was the largest military evacuation in history, taking place between May 27 and June 4, 1940.  The evacuation, known as Operation Dynamo, saw an estimated … Read more

Dunkirk ‘Little Ship’ which rescued 130 troops during World War II evacuation is sold for £40,000

The evacuation from Dunkirk was one of the biggest operations of the Second World War and was one of the major factors in enabling the Allies to continue fighting. It was the largest military evacuation in history, taking place between May 27 and June 4, 1940.  The evacuation, known as Operation Dynamo, saw an estimated … Read more

Massive fire breaks out on Navy Ship at San Diego base injuring several sailors 

At least 21 people including 17 sailors and four civilians were hospitalized with minor injuries on Sunday following a massive fire and explosion on board a Navy ship at Naval Base San Diego that sent billowing plumes of smoke and ash into the sky.  ‘Seventeen Sailors and four civilians are being treated for non-life threatening … Read more

Cruise ship industry blasts ‘vague’ Foreign Office advice telling ALL tourists not to go on cruises

The cruise industry has railed against the government’s ‘vague’ advice for tourists to steer clear of trips this summer because of coronavirus risks. After only warning over-70s against setting sail, the Foreign Office last night changed tack and told all Britons to avoid cruises in a further blow to cash-starved holiday firms. The effective blanket … Read more

Cruise ship industry blasts ‘vague’ Foreign Office advice telling ALL tourists not to go on cruises

The cruise industry has railed against the government’s ‘vague’ advice for tourists to steer clear of trips this summer because of coronavirus risks. After only warning over-70s against setting sail, the Foreign Office last night changed tack and told all Britons to avoid cruises in a further blow to cash-starved holiday firms. The effective blanket … Read more