Study confirms redmesivir shortens Covid recovery by 2 days

The antiviral remdesivier cuts recovery time by about two days, but does not reduce the risk of dying from of the infection, a new study suggests.  Remdesivir is the only therapeutic drug approved for emergency use to treat COVID-19 in the U.S., but clinical trials sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and the World … Read more

Remdesivir shortens recovery time from COVID-19 by FIVE days and reduces risk fo death by 25%

Remdesivir shortens the amount of recovery time from COVID-19 and decreases the risk of death, final results of a study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) show.  Researchers found that the antiviral drug reduced the recovery time for hospitalized coronavirus patients by at least five days. What’s more, the medication was shown to lower … Read more

Arthritis drug combined with remdesivir shortens hospital stays for COVID-19 patients

A drug company says that adding an anti-inflammatory medicine to a drug already widely used for hospitalized COVID-19 patients shortens their time to recovery by an additional day. Eli Lilly announced the results Monday from a 1,000-person study sponsored by the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.  The result have not yet been … Read more