Italy orders bars to shut from 6pm and ‘public spaces’ to close after 9pm amid rising covid cases

Italy has imposed new restrictions on bars and restaurants aimed at halting the spread of coronavirus after days of record infection numbers. Restaurants and bars are restricted to table service only after 6pm, three hours earlier than the previous measures allowed, but can maintain the current midnight closing time.   Italian mayors can also close public … Read more

Labour MP admits they would shut down the UK again and again over the winter to control coronavirus

Labour would shut down the UK again and again over the winter to control coronavirus, senior figures admit MP Kate Green admits the lockdown might have to last longer than three weeks Shadow Cabinet Office minister Rachel Reeves said it might have to be repeated several times It came after Sir Keir Starmer called on Boris … Read more

Labour MP admits they would shut down the UK again and again over the winter to control coronavirus

Labour would shut down the UK again and again over the winter to control coronavirus, senior figures admit MP Kate Green admits the lockdown might have to last longer than three weeks Shadow Cabinet Office minister Rachel Reeves said it might have to be repeated several times It came after Sir Keir Starmer called on Boris … Read more

Coronavirus: Government adviser says country should be shut around EVERY school holiday

Now they want a SERIES of circuit breakers: Government adviser says we should shut down the country around EVERY school holiday Coronavirus ‘circuit breakers’ should be pencilled in around the school holidays A senior government adviser argued for a ‘whole series’ when schools break up The idea is aimed at causing minimum disruption to schoolchildren’s … Read more

Court overturns order to shut Berlin’s bars and restaurants from 11pm

A Berlin court has suspended an order for bars and restaurants to close from 11pm to 6am after finding that ‘it was not apparent’ such a measure could help fight coronavirus. Ruling on a case brought by 11 restaurant owners, the administrative court noted that new infections in Germany currently stem from private gatherings of … Read more

Liverpool Coronavirus: Revellers enjoy their final hours in the pub before venues shut for WEEKS 

Revellers took to the streets of Liverpool tonight for one last drinking session before the city moves into a ‘very high alert’ tomorrow. From 5pm on Wednesday, hundreds of pubs in the northwest will be closed for four weeks after Liverpool was moved straight into the top tier of lockdown. Photographs showed party-goers making the … Read more

Liverpool Coronavirus: Revellers enjoy their final hours in the pub before venues shut for WEEKS 

Revellers took to the streets of Liverpool tonight for one last drinking session before the city moves into a ‘very high alert’ tomorrow. From 5pm on Wednesday, hundreds of pubs in the northwest will be closed for four weeks after Liverpool was moved straight into the top tier of lockdown. Photographs showed party-goers making the … Read more

Britain’s Got Talent’s Christmas Special is SHUT DOWN after COVID-19 outbreak

BGT’s Christmas Special HALTS a day before filming begins after crew member contracts COVID-19… as Susan Boyle arrives without a mask, medics swarm and staff are tested Bosses have postponed production for the festive special as ‘a number of crew members’ are ordered to self-isolate in accordance with government guidelines  On Monday, images of the … Read more

Britain’s Got Talent’s Christmas Special is SHUT DOWN after COVID-19 outbreak

BGT’s Christmas Special HALTS a day before filming begins after crew member contracts COVID-19… as Susan Boyle arrives without a mask, medics swarm and staff are tested By Laura Fox For Mailonline Published: 12:25 BST, 13 October 2020 | Updated: 15:10 BST, 13 October 2020 Britain’s Got Talent have been forced to halt filming for … Read more

Quarter of Vue cinemas will shut three days a week to slash costs after Covid delays

Quarter of Vue cinemas will shut three days a week to slash costs after Covid delays release of Hollywood blockbusters including new James Bond film  Cinema chain will reduce opening hours at 21 of 87 UK sites to four days a week  Chief executive said they were dealt a ‘body blow’ by delays to new … Read more