UK’s coronavirus pandemic response was SIXTY-SIXTH place in the world, think tank claims

UK’s coronavirus pandemic response was SIXTY-SIXTH place in the world and worse than Italy’s, Ireland’s and Sweden, Australian think tank claims Britain was mid-table along with Poland, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia and Morocco Lowy Institute’s Covid Performance Index judged 98 countries on their response New Zealand was ranked as the world’s most effective handler, with 25 deaths … Read more

UK’s coronavirus pandemic response was SIXTY-SIXTH place in the world, think tank claims

UK’s coronavirus pandemic response was SIXTY-SIXTH place in the world and worse than Italy’s, Ireland’s and Sweden, Australian think tank claims Britain was mid-table along with Poland, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia and Morocco Lowy Institute’s Covid Performance Index judged 98 countries on their response New Zealand was ranked as the world’s most effective handler, with 25 deaths … Read more