NFU Mutual wriggled out of paying coronavirus claim

Judith says her claim originally began to pay out but cover was then pulled when she renewed her insurance (pictured with her dog Badger) A small business which originally saw its insurance claim accepted saw payouts cease when a new coronavirus exemption was added at renewal. Judith Grice from near Barnard Castle, County Durham, says she … Read more

Is the office age over? How work could change after coronavirus

Some office workers across Britain have slowly returned to their desk in the last few weeks – but there is still a big slice working from home, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic.  Even though many are keen to kickstart the economy one leading consultancy is warning of the risks of trying to return to the … Read more

FCA shares the insurers’ coronavirus claims it will test in court

Siân Williams-Jones initially thought her business was covered as her policy included a ‘notifiable disease’ clause Multiple insurers have began to pay out to businesses on policies they previously claimed didn’t cover coronavirus-forced closures, as the financial watchdog revealed those it will test them in court. There has been a series of disputes in recent months … Read more

We ditched high-flying jobs at BA to start our Big Bakes business

In normal times when it comes to interacting outside of work with colleagues, many might go to the pub and get a drink, or even become friends. But going from running the office bake-off competition to becoming business partners takes things a step further than most. That’s what two former senior employees of British Airways … Read more

Meet the man on a mission to keep small local businesses THRIVING

Robbie Allen is founder of The Thriving Box Co, which was launched on 28 April Freelance marketing consultant Robbie Allen has helped keep a number of small businesses moving through lockdown by launching a gift box service allowing them to keep selling their products. While many independent stores still face the pressures that have come with … Read more

Lifeline for start-ups as £500m Future Fund launches today

Start-ups hit by the lockdown have been given fresh hope for survival as applications for the Government’s coronavirus Future Fund opened today. The new scheme, which has been developed alongside the British Business Bank, will issue convertible loans between £125,000 to £5million to innovative companies which are facing financing difficulties due to the coronavirus outbreak. … Read more

Why keeping in touch with customers is key for small firms in lockdown

Why keeping in touch with customers is key for small businesses. EMMA JONES on how to stay productive and thrive during lockdown Emma Jones of Enterprise Nation gives tips on how small business owners can make the most of lockdown – and be prepared for the reopening of society Keeping in touch with customers and … Read more