Nicola Sturgeon’s ‘snake oil act’ in Alex Salmond inquiry raises more questions, says Graham Grant

It was a slick performance by a politician fighting for her job – but Nicola Sturgeon’s top priority wasn’t impressing the committee. Much of her appearance was a pitch to the ordinary punter, which accounts for some of the more emotional moments. She spoke of Alex Salmond as her former ‘bestie’, a ‘revered’ man. But … Read more

The documents that could sink Sturgeon: Full details of damning legal advice

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is facing calls from Opposition MSPs to resign after her Government published legal advice relating to its botched probe into allegations of sexual harassment by Alex Salmond.  Deputy First Minister John Swinney agreed to hand over legal advice under threat of a no-confidence vote, and admitted ‘reservations were raised’ by lawyers … Read more

The documents that could sink Sturgeon: Full details of damning legal advice

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is facing calls from Opposition MSPs to resign after her Government published legal advice relating to its botched probe into allegations of sexual harassment by Alex Salmond.  Deputy First Minister John Swinney agreed to hand over legal advice under threat of a no-confidence vote, and admitted ‘reservations were raised’ by lawyers … Read more

Lord Advocate says claims of interference in Salmond probe ‘wholly without foundation’

MSPs voice fury today after it emerged Nicola Sturgeon could ‘dodge’ questions about crucial legal advice at her crunch committee hearing on the Alex Salmond row. The First Minister is finally set to be grilled by the inquiry tomorrow, but her deputy John Swinney has been accused of treating Holyrood with ‘contempt’ by dragging his … Read more

If Nicola Sturgeon is forced to resign, the SNP zealots will still try to shift the blame 

It must be an enormous relief for the SNP to have Angus Robertson among its number at this critical time.  He has identified the source of the party’s current problems, which include the potential imminent departure of the First Minister. The answer, you may not be shocked to learn, is Unionists. They are behind all … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon accused of breaking ministerial code up to THIRTY-EIGHT times

The Scottish Tories accused Nicola Sturgeon of breaching the ministerial code up to 38 times in the Alex Salmond row as the Lord Advocate faces a grilling today – and key legal advice is set to be published.  The heat was turned up again on the SNP leader ahead of her crucial evidence session tomorrow … Read more

SNP would NOT win new Scottish independence referendum poll

Support for Scottish independence has plummeted amid the bitter row between SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon and her predecessor as First Minister Alex Salmond. The majority of people in Scotland no longer want to break away from the rest of the United Kingdom following recent infighting, a bombshell survey has revealed.  The Survation poll, carried out … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon’s official residence Bute House is dubbed a site of ‘historic racial injustice’

Nicola Sturgeon’s official residence has been dubbed a building of ‘historic racial injustice’ by a council review of controversial landmarks in Edinburgh. The home of the First Minister of Scotland was one of several buildings highlighted by the Edinburgh Slavery and Colonialism Legacy Review Group, lead by Scotland’s first black professor Sir Geoff Palmer, 80. The review – launched by … Read more

LOUIS DE BERNIÈRES on the Scottish independence debate

The debate over Scottish independence hotted up yesterday after former SNP leader Alex Salmond gave incendiary evidence to a cross-party committee at Holyrood. Salmond accused current First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and former colleagues, including Peter Murrell, Sturgeon’s husband and SNP chief executive, of engaging in ‘a deliberate, prolonged, malicious and concerted effort’ to destroy his … Read more