LOUIS DE BERNIÈRES on the Scottish independence debate

The debate over Scottish independence hotted up yesterday after former SNP leader Alex Salmond gave incendiary evidence to a cross-party committee at Holyrood. Salmond accused current First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and former colleagues, including Peter Murrell, Sturgeon’s husband and SNP chief executive, of engaging in ‘a deliberate, prolonged, malicious and concerted effort’ to destroy his … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon ‘could be gone within weeks’, says Scottish Tory leader

Nicola Sturgeon could resign as First Minister in a matter of ‘weeks’ over the toxic Alex Salmond debacle, the Scottish Tory leader has said. Douglas Ross believes that if Ms Sturgeon is proved to have lied to the Scottish Parliament – a breach of the ministerial code – then she should ‘absolutely’ resign. Such a shocking development … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon ‘could be gone within weeks’, says Scottish Tory leader

Nicola Sturgeon could resign as First Minister in a matter of ‘weeks’ over the toxic Alex Salmond debacle, the Scottish Tory leader has said. Douglas Ross believes that if Ms Sturgeon is proved to have lied to the Scottish Parliament – a breach of the ministerial code – then she should ‘absolutely’ resign. Such a shocking development … Read more

Covid Scotland: Nicola Sturgeon snipes at Boris Johnson strategy

Nicola Sturgeon has taken a swipe at Boris Johnson over his response to the coronavirus crisis as she appeared to back claims that Scotland had done better than England.  Ms Sturgeon tweeted a story published by the Financial Times with the headline ‘Scotland reaps dividend of Covid response that diverged from England’.  The Scottish First … Read more

Covid Scotland: Nicola Sturgeon snipes at Boris Johnson strategy

Nicola Sturgeon has taken a swipe at Boris Johnson over his response to the coronavirus crisis as she appeared to back claims that Scotland had done better than England.  Ms Sturgeon tweeted a story published by the Financial Times with the headline ‘Scotland reaps dividend of Covid response that diverged from England’.  The Scottish First … Read more

Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon at war: Scotland’s First Minister mocks ‘conspiracy theory’

Scotland First Minister Nicola Sturgeon launched a stunning attack on her predecessor Alex Salmond yesterday as an open war erupted between the two big beasts of the SNP. Miss Sturgeon accused her former friend and mentor of creating an ‘alternative reality’ to paint himself as the victim of a conspiracy. She said Mr Salmond peddled … Read more

The proof Sturgeon ‘lied’ that Scottish prosecutors don’t want you to see

Nicola Sturgeon’s Scottish government is facing growing accusations of corruption today as civil servants refuse to explain why they censored the most explosive 474 words of Alex Salmond’s testimony that could force the SNP leader to resign. Politicians said the separation of power between prosecutors, the civil service and the SNP had become ‘indistinguishable’ and … Read more

The proof Sturgeon ‘lied’ that Scottish prosecutors don’t want you to see

Nicola Sturgeon’s Scottish government is facing growing accusations of corruption today as civil servants refuse to explain why they censored the most explosive 474 words of Alex Salmond’s testimony that could force the SNP leader to resign. Politicians said the separation of power between prosecutors, the civil service and the SNP had become ‘indistinguishable’ and … Read more

Alex Salmond accuses SNP chief of ‘conspiracy’ to ‘ruin his life’

Alex Salmond has accused Nicola Sturgeon’s husband of attempting to have him ‘imprisoned’ as part of conspiracy at the top of the SNP. The former First Minister claims Peter Murrell led a ‘deliberate, prolonged, malicious and concerted effort’ to damage his reputation and remove him from public life. Mr Salmond also implicates Miss Sturgeon’s chief … Read more

Alex Salmond accuses SNP chief of ‘conspiracy’ to ‘ruin his life’

Alex Salmond has accused Nicola Sturgeon’s husband of attempting to have him ‘imprisoned’ as part of conspiracy at the top of the SNP. The former First Minister claims Peter Murrell led a ‘deliberate, prolonged, malicious and concerted effort’ to damage his reputation and remove him from public life. Mr Salmond also implicates Miss Sturgeon’s chief … Read more