Shetland Islands councillors overwhelmingly vote to probe independence from Scotland

The Shetland Islands vote to pursue independence from Scotland – so can Nicola Sturgeon turn them down without torpedoing her own bid for referendum? Council members argued decision-making had become increasingly centralised They said public funding for the islands had been cut under SNP Government  Voted in favour of exploring options of ‘financial and political self-determination’ … Read more

Bullies won’t silence me: TV historian Neil Oliver is defiant and ready to go to war with critics 

More used to talking about war than fighting one, TV historian Neil Oliver says lately he has felt like he’s in ‘the Ypres Salient in the First World War’, fighting skirmish after skirmish.  The area in Belgium was the scene of some of the Western Front’s fiercest battles and, recently, the 53-year-old presenter has found … Read more

Bullies won’t silence me: TV historian Neil Oliver is defiant and ready to go to war with critics 

More used to talking about war than fighting one, TV historian Neil Oliver says lately he has felt like he’s in ‘the Ypres Salient in the First World War’, fighting skirmish after skirmish.  The area in Belgium was the scene of some of the Western Front’s fiercest battles and, recently, the 53-year-old presenter has found … Read more

Coronavirus Scotland: Technician swears during live update

‘Why can’t it just be f***ing normal?’ Radio listeners tuning in for Nicola Sturgeon’s coronavirus update hear blundering technician saying the F-word 15 TIMES as he struggles with broadcast Frustrated Tay FM staff member let rip during First Minister’s coronavirus update He had been trying to transmit broadcast from Holyrood, Scotland, earlier today The radio … Read more

Scottish exams scandal: Students WILL get predicted grades

Tens of thousands of Scottish pupils will get exam results based on their predicted grades after Nicola Sturgeon’s Scottish government completed an embarrassing U-turn.    Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP administration bowed to pressure to alter course over a ‘standardisation’ system designed to tackle the fact that no exams have been sat due to coronavirus. The process was … Read more

Scottish Tory leader heralds furlough scheme as key benefit of being part of Great Britain

New Scottish Tory leader heralds furlough pay for millions of workers as key benefit of being part of Great Britain – while warning Westminster not to neglect the Union Douglas Ross said the furlough scheme was only possible because of the Union He urges Prime Minister Boris Johnson to show Union is ‘inclusive and in … Read more

Coronavirus Scotland Nicola Sturgeon says R rate has gone UP

Scotland’s coronavirus infection rate has risen in the wake of an outbreak in Aberdeen, Nicola Sturgeon admitted today. The First Minister said the R-rate for the county had risen to between 0.6 and one, up from between 0.6 and 0.9 and new cases have also been found in Glasgow and the Clyde. Some 25 new … Read more

Coronavirus Scotland: Nicola Sturgeon may ban PUB CRAWLS

Nicola Sturgeon could ban PUB CRAWLS in Scotland after Aberdeen is locked down in coronavirus outbreak linked to bars in the Granite City First Minister said government looking at tightening rules after Aberdeen surge Pubs, cafes and restaurants have been ordered to shut by 5pm  Surgeon: ‘Pattern’ of ‘people going from one pub to another … Read more

Coronavirus Scotland: Nicola Sturgeon may ban PUB CRAWLS

Nicola Sturgeon could ban PUB CRAWLS in Scotland after Aberdeen coronavirus outbreak linked to bars in the Granite City First Minister said government looking at tightening rules after Aberdeen surge Pubs, cafes and restaurants have been ordered to shut by 5pm  Surgeon: ‘Pattern’ of ‘people going from one pub to another in the same night’ … Read more

Aberdeen is put into lockdown: Nicola Sturgeon orders all pubs in the city to close

Aberdeen has been put back into lockdown as pubs were shut and people were banned from travelling in and out. Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the restrictions were brought back after 54 new coronavirus cases emerged after bars were packed over the weekend. She said 191 contacts have been traced in relation to the … Read more