Woman pregnant with twins in intensive care on ventilator with COVID-19 as death toll is set to soar

A husband has urged people to take COVID-19 health directives seriously as his heavily pregnant wife fights for life in hospital – and experts warn more people will die. Kaillee Dyke is 27 weeks pregnant with twins and on a ventilator in the intensive care unit at Royal Melbourne Hospital after she contracted coronavirus. Ms … Read more

Global emissions of greenhouse gas methane soar to record high levels

Levels of methane have surged in recent years and the atmospheric concentration of the greenhouse gas has now reached a record high, a study shows.   Scientists say several human activities are to blame for the soaring levels, including coal mining; oil and gas production; cattle and sheep farming; and landfills.  Stanford University researchers and the Global … Read more

Siberia’s June heatwave saw temperatures soar up to 10°C above average

Siberia’s June heatwave saw temperatures soar 10°C above average with a new record high of 38°C Siberia recorded its hottest June on record, according to satellite data  Temperatures peaked at around 10°C higher than the historical average On average, the entire month was more than 5°C above normal levels  By Joe Pinkstone For Mailonline Published: … Read more

The classic British summer! UK braces for three days of rain before temperatures soar

The classic British summer! UK braces for three days of rain before temperatures soar towards 79F in time for a scorching second weekend out of lockdown Wet weather is forecast for swathes of England from tomorrow through to Thursday when low pressure builds But building high pressure will usher in brighter skies on Friday which … Read more

Coronavirus US: Fears new data means death rate about to soar

The US could be heading for a surge in coronavirus deaths as startling data shows the number of confirmed daily cases and Americans being hospitalised by the infection is continuing to rise.  More than 2.6million people in the US have already been struck down with the disease — a quarter of the world’s total. And … Read more

Unemployment in Britain could soar to 1980s levels with 3.8m on the dole

Unemployment in Britain could soar to 1980s levels with 3.8million on the dole due to the wreckage caused by the coronavirus lockdown. Labour has warned that ministers need to do more to support struggling businesses as both main parties try to come up with ways to rescue the economy.   Statistics from the House of Commons library … Read more

Unemployment in Britain could soar to 1980s levels with 3.8m on the dole

Unemployment in Britain could soar to 1980s levels with 3.8million on the dole due to the wreckage caused by the coronavirus lockdown. Labour has warned that ministers need to do more to support struggling businesses as both main parties try to come up with ways to rescue the economy.   Statistics from the House of Commons library … Read more

Forecasters warn of sunburn danger as sun strength hits maximum and temperatures soar to 90F

Britain will roast in the hottest day of the year so far today as temperatures soar to 91F – but thunderstorms and rain are set to lash the country from tomorrow night.  The mercury is set to sky-rocket as the country basks in the hot weather this week with people flocking to beaches and beauty … Read more

Forecasters warn of sunburn danger as sun strength hits maximum and temperatures soar to 90F

Experts are warning about the health risks of heatwaves as temperatures continue to climb across the country and are set to hit 90F today. The mercury is expected to soar in the south of England before Friday, leading forecasters and medics to tell people to take extra precautions to stay safe in the sun. Warnings … Read more

As digital payments soar due to the pandemic… can investors cash in?

Britain’s cash system is on the brink, with increasing numbers of businesses refusing coins and notes due to virus fears. For the millions who still rely on paper money to shop and pay the bills, the idea of a cashless world is desperately worrying. While Money Mail will keep fighting to protect the nation’s access … Read more