Hungarian official sparks outrage by comparing Jewish billionaire George Soros to Hitler

Hungarian official compares Jewish billionaire and Holocaust survivor George Soros to Hitler, says ‘Europe is his gas chamber’ and slams his donations to liberal causes in shocking op-ed Hungarian ministerial commissioner Szilard Demeter made the anti-Semitic comments about George Soros in an opinion article on Saturday ‘Europe is George Soros’ gas chamber,’ Demeter wrote. ‘Poison … Read more

RUTH SUNDERLAND: Soros and Buffett about to turn 90

RUTH SUNDERLAND: Health, wealth and freedom can vanish in an instant – George Soros and Warren Buffett (who both turn 90 this month) knew it all along and have grown wise and rich on the knowledge through their long lives Warren Buffett is the all-American investor, with deep and immovable Nebraskan roots  George Soros is the quintessential … Read more

Bizarre conspiracy theories about George Soros fueling the unrest and ‘owning Antifa’ soar online

Conspiracy theories that billionaire philanthropist George Soros has been organizing and funding the nationwide anti-police brutality protests sparked by the death of George Floyd are gaining traction online among the far right. The baseless theories involving Soros range from him hiring protesters and renting buses to transport them to demonstrations, to stashing piles of bricks … Read more

Bizarre conspiracy theories about George Soros fueling the unrest and ‘owning Antifa’ soar online

Conspiracy theories that billionaire philanthropist George Soros has been organizing and funding the nationwide anti-police brutality protests sparked by the death of George Floyd are gaining traction online among the far right. The baseless theories involving Soros range from him hiring protesters and renting buses to transport them to demonstrations, to stashing piles of bricks … Read more

George Soros says coronavirus may spell the end of the EU

George Soros says coronavirus may spell the end of the EU and Brussels may have to directly tax citizens George Soros believes perpetual bonds could keep EU afloat during pandemic Perpetual bonds are bonds that can’t be redeemed but provide regular payments To fund these bonds, EU may need to directly tax citizens of its member … Read more