DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Why spidery writing could mean you’ve got liver disease 

Signs of serious liver problems include tiredness, confusion, itchy skin and, according to the British Liver Trust, ‘writing which becomes difficult, spidery and small’, writes Dr Michael Mosley, pictured Large, the size of a rugby ball, rubbery and reddish-brown in colour, your liver is not a glamorous organ. Yet it quietly gets on with performing … Read more

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Why spidery writing could mean you’ve got liver disease 

Signs of serious liver problems include tiredness, confusion, itchy skin and, according to the British Liver Trust, ‘writing which becomes difficult, spidery and small’, writes Dr Michael Mosley, pictured Large, the size of a rugby ball, rubbery and reddish-brown in colour, your liver is not a glamorous organ. Yet it quietly gets on with performing … Read more