Hotels and B&Bs will be allowed to reopen in two weeks as Boris Johnson plans a staycation boost

The British holiday season is set to start within a fortnight as Ministers plan to allow hotels and holiday parks to reopen on July 4. Although Downing Street says that no final decision has yet been taken on restarting the £130 billion-a-year domestic tourism industry, The Mail on Sunday understands that Whitehall officials have been … Read more

Holiday at home NOT abroad! Culture Secretary urges Britons to have a staycation to save UK tourism

Tourism chiefs have launched a campaign to call on British holidaymakers to choose vacations in the UK rather than heading abroad for their summer break this year amid fears the industry may collapse.  Amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the 14-day quarantine imposed by the government on travellers coming to the UK, there are fears … Read more

Volkswagen campervans set to be staycation hit

Volkswagen preparing for potential surge in camper van sales as middle-class Britons plan summer of socially-distanced staycations By Daily Mail City & Finance Reporter Published: 21:50 BST, 24 May 2020 | Updated: 22:15 BST, 24 May 2020 Volkswagen is preparing for a potential surge in camper van sales as middle-class Britons plan a summer of … Read more

Holiday corona-cancelled? The stunning staycation locations in Britain that look like they’re abroad

As Health Secretary Matt Hancock said, it’s not looking rosy for Britons as far as summer holidays are concerned. But there is some good news – Britain is peppered with spell-binding spots they can visit that look like they’re abroad. Some, it might even be said, trump their ‘abroad’ counterpart. Here are 10 breathtaking destinations … Read more

Holiday corona-cancelled? The stunning staycation locations in Britain that look like they’re abroad

As Health Secretary Matt Hancock said, it’s not looking rosy for Britons as far as summer holidays are concerned. But there is some good news – Britain is peppered with spell-binding spots they can visit that look like they’re abroad. Some, it might even be said, trump their ‘abroad’ counterpart. Here are 10 breathtaking destinations … Read more

Coronavirus UK: The Great British Staycation is on hold ‘for some time to come’

British holidaymakers hoping to visit UK tourism hotspots such as seaside towns were warned today they will be unable to do so ‘for some time to come’. Many workers with pre-booked annual leave who had been hoping to travel abroad this spring or summer will now be turning their sights to a holiday in Britain. … Read more