St Andrews University under fire after axing only female gender studies professor

St Andrews University comes under fire after axing only female gender studies professor and replacing her with two men Dr Alison Kerr helped set up St Andrews University’s Institute for Gender Studies But bosses have chosen not to renew her fixed-term contract after two years Thousands of students and academics have signed petition for Dr … Read more

Controversial black studies professor who claimed British Empire was ‘worse than the Nazis’

A taxpayer-funded academic who described Winston Churchill as a ‘white supremacist’ in a debate last night has faced questions about why he still accepts public money despite claiming modern Britain is ‘based on racism’.  Professor Kehinde Andrews, a campaigner who is regularly wheeled out on TV debates to air his divisive views, used a debate … Read more

Controversial black studies professor who claimed British Empire was ‘worse than the Nazis’

Professor Kehinde Andrews is a controversial academic who is regularly wheeled out on TV debates to air his divisive views – including that Britain is ‘built on racism’ and that ‘everyone involved in it probably has a really racist past’. The professor of black studies at Birmingham City University has branded ‘whiteness’ a ‘psychosis’, called … Read more

Is Kent Covid variant REALLY deadlier? Confusion mounts as studies differ

There was confusion tonight about how deadly the Kent coronavirus variant really is after 10 SAGE studies came to wildly different conclusions about its lethality and the World Health Organization said it still hadn’t seen any convincing data. Boris Johnson and his science chiefs tonight made the shocking claim that the strain — called B.1.1.7 — … Read more

Is Kent Covid variant REALLY deadlier? Confusion mounts as studies differ

There was confusion tonight about how deadly the Kent coronavirus variant really is after 10 SAGE studies came to wildly different conclusions about its lethality and the World Health Organization said it still hadn’t seen any convincing data. Boris Johnson and his science chiefs tonight made the shocking claim that the strain — called B.1.1.7 — … Read more

CRAIG BROWN: Walking gets you from A to B (or how self-help books can be studies in the obvious)

Earlier this week, I noted quite how many self-help guides are very similar, their short-cuts to wisdom and happiness weirdly interchangeable. In 1952, Norman Vincent Peale wrote the best-selling self-help book The Power Of Positive Thinking, and, nearly 70 years on, it seems that everyone entering the market has to emphasise positivity. To demonstrate this, … Read more

CRAIG BROWN: Walking gets you from A to B (or how self-help books can be studies in the obvious)

Earlier this week, I noted quite how many self-help guides are very similar, their short-cuts to wisdom and happiness weirdly interchangeable. In 1952, Norman Vincent Peale wrote the best-selling self-help book The Power Of Positive Thinking, and, nearly 70 years on, it seems that everyone entering the market has to emphasise positivity. To demonstrate this, … Read more

Studies find a single shot is at least 50% effective and giving more first jabs is cheaper

Three new studies suggest that as many people as possible should receive at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine.  Currently, both vaccines approved for emergency use authorization in the U.S. – from Pfizer Inc and Moderna Inc – require two doses administered about one month apart. But researchers from Yale University, Stanford University and the … Read more

Google launches Health Studies app to help medical research

The onslaught of this pandemic has helped remind people on the importance of medical research not just in discovering vaccines and cures but in providing information to the general public about diseases and treatments. To help researchers get a wider pool of volunteers that is more representative of the general population, Google is launching a … Read more

Gary Lineker donates £200 to help Zimbabwean refugee continue studies at Liverpool Hope University

The former England and Leicester ace, 59, donated £200 to the student’s crowdfunding page after the Zimbabwean student appealed for funds to allow him to continue studying at Liverpool Hope University BBC Match of the Day host Gary Lineker has donated £200 to help a refugee who’s on the brink of dropping out of university after … Read more