Stanford researchers under investigation for ‘tipping the scale’ on antibody studies

Researchers at Stanford University are being accused of ‘tipping the scale’ on their antibody study and implying coronavirus is more widespread – but less fatal – than previously thought. Last month, their analysis found that between 2.5 and 5.2 percent of Santa Clara County residents tested positive for antibodies. That meant the number of infected … Read more

Studies provide more evidence that coronavirus damages the kidneys

Studies are continuing to emerge that the novel coronavirus attacks and severely damages the kidneys. Research has mostly focused on the ways the virus attacks the lungs, but two new reports reveal high levels of the virus in the kidneys and kidney injury in more than one-third of coronavirus patients.  In one study, about 90 … Read more

Studies provide more evidence that coronavirus damages the kidneys

Studies are continuing to emerge that the novel coronavirus attacks and severely damages the kidneys. Research has mostly focused on the ways the virus attacks the lungs, but two new reports reveal high levels of the virus in the kidneys and kidney injury in more than one-third of coronavirus patients.  In one study, about 90 … Read more

Warmer weather does NOT kill off coronavirus: Two separate studies dash hopes for summer

Warm weather does not kill off the coronavirus or hamper its ability to spread, two separate studies have found. US and Canadian researchers said the transmission risk was only reduced by about 1.5 per cent for every degree Fahrenheit above 77F (25C). They analysed more than 370,000 cases in thousands of different cities in North … Read more

Children CAN spread coronavirus, studies claim as NIH launches trial to track pediatric infections 

Children are capable of transmitting the novel coronavirus, two new international studies claim. Over the course of the pandemic, fewer children compared to adults have fallen ill and, when they are infected, their symptoms are milder. But it’s been unclear if they can spread the virus to adults. Now, researchers in China and Germany say they … Read more

Children CAN spread coronavirus, studies claim as NIH launches trial to track pediatric infections 

Children are capable of transmitting the novel coronavirus, two new international studies claim. Over the course of the pandemic, fewer children compared to adults have fallen ill and, when they are infected, their symptoms are milder. But it’s been unclear if they can spread the virus to adults. Now, researchers in China and Germany say they … Read more

Common blood pressure pills DO NOT make coronavirus worse, three studies find

Common blood pressure medicines do not put people at a higher risk of severe or fatal coronavirus symptoms, three major studies have found. Doctors sounded the alarm in March about a possible link between the drugs – known as ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) – and COVID-19.  ACE inhibitors include the likes of ramipril, lisinopril … Read more

Medics and pharmacy workers urged to disinfect SHOES after studies show COVID-19 carried on soles

Coronavirus can be spread through surfaces such as the shoe soles of patients and medics, according to new scientific studies. Medical staff and pharmacy workers are being warned to disinfect their footwear after researchers discovered the virus can be transmitted on shoes. Chinese scientists examined surface and air samples from both an intensive care unit … Read more

America was hit with COVID-19 from two continents, studies suggest

Most Americans with coronavirus are infected with a strain that came from Europe – but the strain that shut down Wuhan, China spread on the West Coast, recent research shows.  Coronavirus likely came to the US first from Europe, circulating unseen among New Yorkers for weeks before the state’s first case was diagnosed, and even … Read more

America was hit with COVID-19 from two continents, studies suggest

Most Americans with coronavirus are infected with a strain that came from Europe – But the US was hit from both sides, with the strain that shut down Wuhan, China spreading on the West Coast, recent research shows.  Coronavirus likely came to the US first from Europe, circulating unseen among New Yorkers for weeks before … Read more