Large study debunks myth that Vitamin D reduces risk of mood disorders 

Vitamin D will not protect you from depression: Large study debunks myth that the ‘sunshine supplement’ reduces the risk of mood disorders Previous studies have linked low blood levels of vitamin D with higher risk for depression in middle-age and old age Researchers gave half of a group of 18,000 men and women vitamin D3 … Read more

World’s ‘smallest dinosaur’ is actually a LIZARD scientists admit in retraction of study

Amber, often used in jewellery, is fossilised tree resin, and the oldest dates back more than 300 million years. In the past few years the Hukawng Valley in northern Myanmar, formerly Burma, has yielded numerous finds. In January 2017, researchers discovered a 100-million-year-old insect preserved in amber which bore a passing resemblance to ET.  Its features were … Read more

Dog process speech in the same way as human brains do, study finds 

Despite not being able to talk, dogs process speech in the same way as humans do, according to a new study. Both dogs and human brains separately process the intonation – how a voice rises and falls – and the meaning of the words spoken.  Hungarian researchers used functional MRI – measures brain activity by detecting changes … Read more

Less than 1% of people under 50 treated for COVID-19 in Philadelphia suffered strokes, study finds 

Is the Covid-stroke link weaker than doctors thought? Just 2% of Philadelphia coronavirus patients suffered the devastating complication – and less than 1% were under age 50, study finds Of more than 800 patients at a Philadelphia hospital, just 2.4% suffered an ischemic stroke, which occur when blood flow is blocked to the brain The … Read more

Dog process speech in the same way as human brains do, study finds 

Despite not being able to talk, dogs process speech in the same way as humans do, according to a new study. Both dogs and human brains separately process the intonation – how a voice rises and falls – and the meaning of the words spoken.  Hungarian researchers used functional MRI – measures brain activity by detecting changes … Read more

Colleges CAN reopen – if they test students every 2 days, study claims

As the fall semester fast approaches, schools, public health officials and President Donald Trump are scrambling to work out a way to reopen academic institutions.  A new study by Yale University experts suggests it is possible after all – but only if every student gets tested every two to three days.  Keeping infections and potential … Read more

Just 45% of us actually know what the lockdown rules are – down from 90%, study reveals

Confused, you’re not alone! Fewer than HALF of us now know what the lockdown rules actually are, compared with 90% in March Only 45% of people in England have a ‘broad understanding’ of lockdown rules This is compared to 90% of people in England understanding the rules in March Experts warned mixed messages could contribute … Read more

Coronavirus may cause hearing problems such as tinnitus for one in eight patients, study claims

Coronavirus may cause hearing problems in one in eight patients, according to a study.  Audiologists at the University of Manchester followed 121 adults who were admitted to Wythenshawe Hospital with coronavirus.   When asked about changes to their hearing, 16 people said their hearing was worse eight weeks after being discharged. Eight reported worse hearing and … Read more

Coronavirus may cause hearing problems such as tinnitus for one in eight patients, study claims

Coronavirus may cause hearing problems in one in eight patients, according to a study.  Audiologists at the University of Manchester followed 121 adults who were admitted to Wythenshawe Hospital with coronavirus.   When asked about changes to their hearing, 16 people said their hearing was worse eight weeks after being discharged. Eight reported worse hearing and … Read more

Just 45% of us actually know what the lockdown rules are – down from 90%, study reveals

Confused, you’re not alone! Fewer than HALF of us now know what the lockdown rules actually are, compared with 90% in March Only 45% of people in England have a ‘broad understanding’ of lockdown rules This is compared to 90% of people in England understanding the rules in March Experts warned mixed messages could contribute … Read more