Surge in Covid cases across Europe could see summer holidays cancelled and threatens UK third wave

A surge in Covid cases across Europe could see summer holidays cancelled and threatens a potential third wave in Britain, government scientists have warned. Outbreaks of the South African variant in countries throughout the continent is causing particular concern, sparking calls for tougher travel restrictions. As a result, some experts fear European getaways in May, … Read more

Ocado shoppers spend an average of £147 on each order as sales surge

Online grocery group Ocado saw sales surge nearly 40 per cent to £559million in the 13 weeks to 28 February, a new trading update shows. On average, Ocado customers spent £147-a-time on their shop, with Marks & Spencer products ‘consistently’ accounting for over a quarter of the basket. With plans to open further warehouses and … Read more

White House drawing up plans for surge shipments of COVID vaccines to send to emerging hotspots

The White House is currently making plans to send massive shipments of COVID-19 vaccines to emerging hotspots in the U.S. Two senior administration officials told CNN the Biden administration is very worried that the number of Americans traveling over Spring Break will lead to a fourth surge of the coronavirus. Members of the federal government’s … Read more

Maskless spring breakers are setting the US up for surge in COVID-19 cases

Maskless spring breakers are flocking to US beaches, more Americans flew in the last five days than in the five preceding Christmas, coronavirus may be set to surge again – and it all has US officials in an anxious bout of déjà vu.  New daily COVID-19 infections fell dramatically for six weeks, but keep stalling … Read more

CDC BEGS Americans not to travel for Spring Break over fears the trips could lead to surge in cases

CDC director Dr Rochelle Walensky (pictured) pleaded with Americans to not travel over Spring Break during a press briefing on Monday The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is urging Americans to stay home to prevent the spread of COVID-19 until more people are vaccinated. At a press briefing on Monday, CDC Director Dr Rochelle … Read more

CDC BEGS Americans not to travel for Spring Break over fears the trips could lead to surge in cases

CDC director Dr Rochelle Walensky (pictured) pleaded with Americans to not travel over Spring Break during a press briefing on Monday The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is urging Americans to stay home to prevent the spread of COVID-19 until more people are vaccinated. At a press briefing on Monday, CDC Director Dr Rochelle … Read more

Experts fear that daily cases plateauing and variants in every state could lead to another surge

Weekly totals of coronavirus cases and deaths in the United States are continuing to slowly decline, but experts worry that plateauing figures, and the emergence of variants, could undo the progress the country has made. Over the last seven days, the nation has reported 381,549 new infections, marking the fourth day in a row weekly … Read more

Huge outdoor processing center is set up for migrants in Texas amid surge in border crossings

ICE officers have set up a new outdoor processing center in Texas as they struggle to deal with the soaring number of migrants crossing the southern border.  Photographs of the giant open-air facility – located in the Rio Grande Valley Center of the state – were obtained by Fox News on Saturday.  The shocking snaps … Read more

Huge outdoor processing center is set up for migrants in Texas amid surge in border crossings

ICE officers have set up a new outdoor processing center in Texas as they struggle to deal with the soaring number of migrants crossing the southern border.  Photographs of the giant open-air facility – located in the Rio Grande Valley Center of the state – were obtained by Fox News on Saturday.  The shocking snaps … Read more