People working from home should be taxed to help fund lower income workers, economists say

People working from home should be taxed to help fund workers whose jobs are under threat, a new report has said. Economists from Deutsche Bank have suggested a tax of 5 percent of a worker’s salary is introduced if they choose to work from home. This tax would be paid for directly by employers with … Read more

Capital gains tax on your home? Think tank calls for homeowners to be taxed on house price rises

Capital gains tax on your home? Left-leaning think tank calls for homeowners to be taxed on house price rises to pay for coronavirus Social Market Foundation proposes 10% ‘property capital gains tax’ Left-wing think-tank calls for levy on all homes sold or inherited The tax would mostly affect middle-aged and older people, who own most … Read more

Capital gains tax on your home? Think tank calls for homeowners to be taxed on house price rises

Capital gains tax on your home? Think tank calls for homeowners to be taxed on house price rises to pay for coronavirus Proposals of 10% ‘property capital gains tax’ on all homes sold or inherited The tax would mostly affect older people, who own most of Britain’s property  The current capital gains tax relief on … Read more