Ant & Dec admit there was ‘a real chance they’d never work together again’ amid Ant’s issues

Ant & Dec have admitted they nearly ended their professional relationship for good  when Ant was struggling with personal issues a few years ago. Speaking during an interview on The One Show on Wednesday night, the presenting duo – both 44 – reflected on the period between 2017-2019 when Ant went to rehab twice and … Read more

How women got to the top! Despite warnings from men that they’d be happier sticking to housework 

HISTORY LADIES CAN’T CLIMB LADDERS  by Jane Robinson (Doubleday £20, 368 pp) The British Press reported in the early 1930s that, ‘after exhaustive research’, professors in the psychology department of a German university had concluded that ‘women cannot calculate, and when confronted with abstract mathematical problems the female intellect breaks down entirely’. Margaret Partridge (1891-1967) … Read more