Blair, Brown and Cameron told Boris Johnson test and trace crucial

Boris Johnson was urged to make a fully functioning test and trace system his Government’s ‘number one overwhelming priority’ in the summer in an extra-ordinary intervention by his predecessors in Number 10. Former chancellor George Osborne has revealed that Conservatives David Cameron and Sir John Major and the Labour former prime ministers Gordon Brown and … Read more

Ex-PMs including Blair, Brown and Cameron told Boris Johnson to make test and trace his ‘priority’

Boris Johnson was urged to make a fully functioning test and trace system his Government’s ‘number one overwhelming priority’ in the summer in an extra-ordinary intervention by his predecessors in Number 10. Former chancellor George Osborne has revealed that Conservatives David Cameron and Sir John Major and the Labour former prime ministers Gordon Brown and … Read more

Prince Charles told Diana ‘he didn’t love her the night before their WEDDING’

The Prince of Wales told Princess Diana ‘he didn’t love her the night before their wedding’, the late royal’s astrologer has claimed. Astrologer Penny Thornton, whom the Princess of Wales began to consult in 1986, explained that Prince Charles made the remarks before their big day in 1981 because he didn’t ‘want to go into their … Read more

Hospitals are told to get ready for a Covid vaccine in three weeks

Health chiefs are ramping up preparations to roll out a coronavirus vaccine to the nation’s most vulnerable people within three weeks, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.  Jon Findlay, head of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, is understood to have told a meeting last week of his executives and senior managers from other … Read more

PIERS MORGAN: The cartoon that Joe Biden told me helped him survive two family tragedies 

America’s new President-Elect, Joe Biden, has a framed cartoon strip on his desk. It features Hagar the Horrible, the red-bearded Viking character created by American cartoonist Dik Browne, stranded on a rock in a violent storm as his ship sinks, lashed by thunder and lightning. ‘Why me?’ he shouts up at God. And God replies … Read more

Hospitals are told to get ready for a Covid vaccine in three weeks

Health chiefs are ramping up preparations to roll out a coronavirus vaccine to the nation’s most vulnerable people within three weeks, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.  Jon Findlay, head of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, is understood to have told a meeting last week of his executives and senior managers from other … Read more

Raging kebab shop customer pulls out a ‘GUN’ after being told to wear a face mask in Welsh takeaway

The man who pulled a GUN when he was told to wear a mask in kebab shop and began ranting about how ‘Bill Gates wants us microchipped’ The drama unfolded at Rhondda Takeaway in the village of Pentre, South Wales Customer became angry after a delivery driver asked him to wear a face mask   Owner … Read more

Raging kebab shop customer pulls out a ‘GUN’ after being told to wear a face mask in Welsh takeaway

The man who pulled a GUN when he was told to wear a mask in kebab shop and began ranting about how ‘Bill Gates wants us microchipped’ The drama unfolded at Rhondda Takeaway in the village of Pentre, South Wales Customer became angry after a delivery driver asked him to wear a face mask   Owner … Read more

Britons could be told to ‘self-quarantine’ for two weeks in January

By Vanessa Chalmers for the MailOnline   Frisbee throwing competitions and dog shows could help keep the nation’s morale up during the coronavirus pandemic, experts have said. In advice given to ministers, top scientists also recommended drive-in movies and showing sports on big screens because people can stay socially distanced. It comes as England was this … Read more

Britons could be told to ‘self-quarantine’ for two weeks in January

By Vanessa Chalmers for the MailOnline   Frisbee throwing competitions and dog shows could help keep the nation’s morale up during the coronavirus pandemic, experts have said. In advice given to ministers, top scientists also recommended drive-in movies and showing sports on big screens because people can stay socially distanced. It comes as England was this … Read more