NHS contact tracing system to tackle coronavirus is STILL not working properly

The Government’s coronavirus test and trace system remains in chaos today with staff battling against a failing operating system and unable to start work.  People working in the system, which was supposed to be fully operational by June 1, say they have not contacted anyone in the two weeks since they started work. And employees … Read more

NHS contact tracing system to tackle coronavirus is STILL not working properly

The Government’s coronavirus test and trace system remains in chaos today with staff battling against a failing operating system and unable to start work.  People working in the system, which was supposed to be fully operational by June 1, say they have not contacted anyone in the two weeks since they started work. And employees … Read more

Ministers must speed up testing or risk contact tracing falling ‘dead in the water’, warn doctors 

Ministers must massively speed up coronavirus testing or risk their contact tracing plan falling ‘dead in the water’, warn doctors Almost half of coronavirus tests are failing to come back within a 48-hour period  This leaves Britain’s contact tracing army racing to get in touch with contacts Fears that efforts to trace contacts could come … Read more

Ministers must speed up testing or risk contact tracing falling ‘dead in the water’, warn doctors 

Ministers must massively speed up coronavirus testing or risk their contact tracing plan falling ‘dead in the water’, warn doctors Almost half of coronavirus tests are failing to come back within a 48-hour period  This leaves Britain’s contact tracing army racing to get in touch with contacts Fears that efforts to trace contacts could come … Read more

Matt Hancock LAUGHS OFF suggestion he has rushed contact tracing scheme

The government’s coronavirus contact tracing site crashed on launch this morning amid complaints it has been a ‘complete shambles’. Doctors and other staff reported major teething troubles as the much-trumpeted scheme finally got up and running, with some saying they had not even received passwords to start work – although the public-facing web forms were … Read more

Matt Hancock LAUGHS OFF suggestion he has rushed contact tracing scheme

The government’s coronavirus contact tracing site crashed on launch this morning amid complaints it has been a ‘complete shambles’. Doctors and other staff reported major teething troubles as the much-trumpeted scheme finally got up and running, with some saying they had not even received passwords to start work – although the public-facing web forms were … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Contact tracing scheme launches TOMORROW

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has announced that the UK’s coronavirus contact tracing programme will finally launch tomorrow – with the members of the public being forced to isolate if they come into contact with positive individuals or face being fined.  The NHS Test and Trace system for England will see anyone who develops symptoms told to … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Test centres empty as tracing regime announced

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has announced the introduction of the new Test and Trace programme to bring the coronavirus under control, as concerns were raised over the Government’s testing regime. At the Downing Street briefing today, Mr Hancock said the new system would be up and running by 9am tomorrow without the NHS’ coronavirus app that … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Contact tracing scheme launches TOMORROW

The UK’s coronavirus contact tracing programme will launch tomorrow without its centrepiece NHS app as experts warned it will not be a ‘silver bullet’ which kills off the disease.   The NHS Test and Trace system for England will see anyone who develops symptoms urged to self-isolate for seven days and told to order a test … Read more

Coronavirus: Rollout of NHS contact tracing app is DELAYED

Britain’s hopes of emerging from lockdown suffered a blow today after the rollout of the NHS coronavirus app was delayed and Downing Street claimed it is ‘possible’ to work without it. Health Secretary Matt Hancock said on May 12 ‘we’re rolling out in mid-May’ but today he refused to set a date as the project was … Read more