‘Vertical garden’ high-rise in Australia will be dred in more than 20,000 trees and plants

A residential tower in Australia will take green living to new heights. Urban Forest, a 30-story high-rise in South Brisbane, will be covered in a ‘vertical garden’ of over 20,000 trees and plants, more than five times the greenery found in a nearby park. Raised up on large ‘tree trunk’ columns, the latest masterpiece from … Read more

Global warming: CO2 ‘reduces lifespan of trees’, study says

Trees with faster growth rates die younger across multiple countries and species, which reduces their overall carbon storage capacity, a new study claims. Researchers analysed tree-ring data of more than 200,000 records of 110 species across Europe, Asia and the Americas.  They found faster tree growth, indicated by tree rings, is causing earlier mortality and … Read more

Global warming: CO2 ‘reduces lifespan of trees’, study says

Trees with faster growth rates die younger across multiple countries and species, which reduces overall carbon storage capacity, a new study claims. Researchers analysed tree-ring data of more than 200,000 records of 82 species across Europe, Asia and the Americas.  They found tree faster growth is being offset by earlier mortality and release of the … Read more

Amazon contract drivers hang cell phones in TREES near Whole Foods to snag deliveries before rivals 

Amazon’s contract drivers are hanging cell phones in TREES next to distribution stations and Whole Foods stores in Chicago so they can get notifications to pick up deliveries before rivals Amazon Flex drivers are hanging phones in trees near a Whole Foods store  The idea is to help them grab incoming orders in faster via … Read more

Conservative MP in furious dispute with neighbours over trees

A Tory MP is locked in a furious row with her neighbours over trees at her £1.35million home which they say blocks sunlight and shed leaves over their gardens. Junior health minister Helen Whately and her company director husband purchased the farmhouse near Faversham in Kent last year and now local residents are complaining about … Read more

Storm will smash into Britain TONIGHT with 70mph winds threatening to bring down trees

Winds up to 70mph are expected across Britain tomorrow as another storm smashes into the country’s coastal regions – threatening to bring down trees and creating monster waves. It comes after winds of up to 66mph were recorded at Pembrey Sands in Wales as Storm Ellen hit Ireland and western parts of Britain on Tuesday … Read more

Venomous rattle snakes spotted in TREES at wildlife parks in New Mexico and Arizona

Venomous rattle snakes are known to unexpectantly slither out from holes, but what may come to a surprise is that these reptiles also climb trees. The daring feat has been captured by a number of people this summer, who have shared the astounding photos and videos online. A diamondback was seen ‘soaking up the early … Read more

Beavers cut trees for food ‘before they built dams’, study says

Ancient Arctic beavers were cutting down trees for food four million years ago, long before they started building dams, a new study shows.  Scientists analysed bones of the extinct Dipoides beaver and plant fossils from Ellesmere Island in northern Canada to work out what the creatures ate.    Isotopic evidence indicates a diet of woody and … Read more

Orangutan with no arms learns how to climb trees again using only his legs

Orangutan who lost his arms when he suffered an electric shock while fleeing his captors has learned how to climb and find food using only his legs as he prepares for freedom Orangutan Kopral was electrocuted when trying to flee cage where his captors kept him in Indonesia The young animal’s horrifying injuries were so … Read more

Orangutan with no arms learns how to climb trees again using only his legs

Orangutan who lost his arms when he suffered an electric shock while fleeing his captors has learned how to climb and find food using only his legs as he prepares for freedom Orangutan Kopral was electrocuted when trying to flee his captors in Indonesia He was brought under the care of the Borneo Orangutan Survival … Read more