Museum curator tweets advice on how to destroy bronze statues with chemicals after BLM protests

An Oxford-educated museum curator has provoked outrage by sharing expert advice on how to dissolve bronze statues using corrosive chemicals in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests.   Madeline Odent, curator of Royston Museum in Hertfordshire, sent a series of tweets last night to her 5,164 followers, which were then shared thousands of times.  … Read more

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse animator tweets he’s begun work on sequel

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse animator tweets he’s begun work on sequel to the Oscar-winning animated film: ‘First day on the job!’ By David Lawrance For Published: 18:03 BST, 9 June 2020 | Updated: 18:16 BST, 9 June 2020 The sequel to Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is still on track for a 2022 release. The … Read more

The Flash actor Hartley Sawyer FIRED after his racist and misogynist tweets resurface

The Flash actor Hartley Sawyer FIRED after his racist, misogynist and homophobic tweets resurface Actor Hartley Sawyer has been fired from The CW’s The Flash after his racist, misogynist and homophobic tweets recently resurfaced One tweet from 2012 that said the ‘only thing’ keeping the actor from doing ‘mildly racist tweets’ was knowing ‘Al Sharpton … Read more

Hope Hicks and Mark Zuckerberg ‘scold Trump over his fiery tweets about riots’

President Trump has reportedly been urged by members of his inner circle, including top aide Hope Hicks and outside advisers like Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, to tone down his rhetoric as the nation’s cities are engulfed by rioting. The president in recent days has been warned that comments he has posted on Twitter, including inflammatory … Read more

Billie Eilish calls out President Donald Trump’s critical tweets about Minneapolis protests

Billie Eilish has been exercising her free speech rights regarding the death of George Floyd, the unarmed African-American man who died after a white police officer pinned him to the ground with a knee into his neck on May 25.   And now the pop star, 18, is calling out President Donald Trump for his tweets … Read more

Joe Biden slams Trump over George Floyd’s death saying ‘this is no time for incendiary tweets’

Joe Biden on Friday slammed President Donald Trump for his handling of George Floyd’s death after the black man died while in custody of white police officers. The former vice president revealed he has spoken with Floyd’s family and took issue with Trump’s tweets on the matter, saying ‘this is no time for incendiary tweets’ … Read more

Joe Biden slams Trump over George Floyd’s death saying ‘this is no time for incendiary tweets’

Joe Biden on Friday slammed President Donald Trump for his handling of George Floyd’s death after the black man died while in custody of white police officers. The former vice president revealed he has spoken with Floyd’s family and took issue with Trump’s tweets on the matter, saying ‘this is no time for incendiary tweets’ … Read more

Twitter ‘fact checks’ two-month-old tweets by China as Trump threatens web giants with bias probes

Twitter has ‘fact-checked’ two tweets by China after it caused a political storm in the US by flagging two of Donald Trump’s tweets for accuracy – sparking fury from the president and accusations of bias. The social media giant added exclamation point warnings to tweets by China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman accusing the US of starting … Read more

Trump will sign executive order on ‘social media’ in wake of Twitter fact-checking his tweets

President Trump will sign some sort of ‘social media’-focused executive order on Thursday, White House officials said, amid a rift with Twitter over the company fact-checking his tweets.  Reporters traveling on board Air Force One Wednesday were told by press secretary Kayleigh McEnany that an executive order was coming as soon as Wednesday night, but … Read more