SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH reveals how those born today could witness sixth mass extinction

Pripyat in Ukraine is a place unlike anywhere else I have been. It is a place of utter despair.  On the face of it, it seems quite a pleasant town, with avenues, hotels, a square, a hospital, parks with fairground rides, several schools and swimming pools, cafes and bars, supermarkets and hairdressers, a football stadium … Read more

SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH reveals how those born today could witness sixth mass extinction

Pripyat in Ukraine is a place unlike anywhere else I have been. It is a place of utter despair.  On the face of it, it seems quite a pleasant town, with avenues, hotels, a square, a hospital, parks with fairground rides, several schools and swimming pools, cafes and bars, supermarkets and hairdressers, a football stadium … Read more

Interactive world map shows countries most wary of vaccines

An interactive map has revealed how huge proportions of people do not think vaccines are safe, raising concerns about whether people would get a Covid-19 jab. Researchers from the UK, US and Belgium compiled data from surveys of nearly 300,000 people in 149 countries to identify vaccine ‘hesitancy hotspots’.  They found that European countries were … Read more

Interactive world map shows countries most wary of vaccines

An interactive map has revealed how huge proportions of people do not think vaccines are safe, raising concerns about whether people would get a Covid-19 jab. Researchers from the UK, US and Belgium compiled data from surveys of nearly 300,000 people in 149 countries to identify vaccine ‘hesitancy hotspots’.  They found that European countries were … Read more

Belarus’s President Lukashenko admits ‘I may have stayed in power a little too long’

Belarus’s President Alexander Lukashenko admitted he ‘may have stayed in power a little too long’ today but vowed to hold onto power despite continued protests against his disputed election victory. Lukashenko’s rare admission comes after 26 years in power and the day after country’s opposition leader was allegedly snatched by masked men. Speaking on Russian state … Read more

Belarus opposition leader ‘tears up her passport’ to stop her deportation

A Belarus opposition leader tore up her passport to foil authorities trying to deport her to Ukraine in the dead of night, it was claimed today.  Maria Kolesnikova was driven to a border crossing in the early hours of this morning but ‘took action’ to prevent her ‘forcible expulsion’, Ukraine’s government said, a day after … Read more

Mother goes for a walk on Boeing 737’s WING to ‘get some air’ while waiting to disembark in Ukraine

Mother goes for a walk on Boeing 737’s WING to ‘get some air’ because she was ‘too hot’ while waiting to disembark in Ukraine A woman climbed onto the wing of a plane when landing in Kyiv from Antalya Videos show the women stalling on the wing before climbing back in the cabin The mother-of-two was banned from … Read more

Vladimir Putin has formed ‘special force’ and says he is ready to intervene in Belarus

Vladimir Putin forms elite ‘spec ops force’ to intervene in Belarus if protests ‘get out of control’ Vladimir Putin said is he will intervene in Belarus if protests ‘get out of control’   He confirmed Russia has created a reserve police force to send to the country Added that move would honour joint defence pact Russia … Read more

TV presenter, 28, viciously beaten by a stranger who tried to rape her in front of six-year-old son

Ukrainian TV presenter, 28, suffers horrific facial injuries after being viciously beaten by a stranger who tried to rape her in front of her six-year-old son on a train Anastasia Lugova, 28, was assaulted by Vitaliy Rudzko, 45, in train compartment She was travelling to Kyiv, Ukraine, on Friday with her six-year-old son Zakhar  Rudzko faces … Read more

Could Chernobyl be key to conquering Mars? Fungus found in Ukrainian nuclear plant can EAT radiation

Humans could live on the planet Mars if a fungi which spawned inside the Chernobyl nuclear reactor is used to protect against radiation, scientists say. A layer of the fungus around 21 centimetres thick could ‘largely negate the annual dose-equivalent of the radiation environment on the surface of Mars’, researchers found. ‘What makes the fungus … Read more