Royal Mail edging towards truce with unions

Royal Mail edging towards truce in its long-running modernisation battle with unions – just as postal workers are deluged by surge in parcel deliveries By Alex Lawson, Financial Mail On Sunday Published: 21:51 GMT, 14 November 2020 | Updated: 23:24 GMT, 14 November 2020 Royal Mail is edging towards a truce in its long-running modernisation … Read more

Unions demand pre-Christmas pay-rise for burned out NHS staff

Dietitians, opticians and other non-essential NHS staff were today branded ‘cynical’ for asking for a pre-Christmas pay rise during the coronavirus pandemic.  Boris Johnson has promised a salary bump to doctors, nurses and other workers who have been fighting coronavirus on the front lines by next April. There has been widespread public support for the … Read more

Schools and colleges must be shut in another UK lockdown, teaching unions say

Teaching unions are already demanding the CLOSURE of schools in a new national lockdown – in defiance of Boris Johnson’s plan to keep them open ahead of press conference tonight Nationwide restrictions to be announced by Boris Johnson in press conference  NEU calls for ministers to introduce school rotas for the end of new restrictions … Read more

Labour government in Wales is accused of ‘bullying’ firms hit by Covid into backing unions

Labour government in Wales is accused of ‘bullying’ firms hit by Covid into backing unions in exchange for state aid Cardiff’s Economy Minister Ken Skates sent letter to Covid-hit businesses ‘We expect employers who receive public funds to allow trade unions access’ Conservative member of the Welsh parliament, Darren Millar, said ‘Labour should stop bullying businesses’ … Read more

Children are back at school but unions are threatening to hobble universities, writes DAVID BLUNKETT

After six long months, our children are finally returning to school and that news has cheered me enormously. Initial reports suggest attendance rates are high. Parents and teachers know that being back in the classroom has incalculable benefits not only for children’s education and futures, but for their mental health and family life, too. If … Read more

Universities could become ground zero for a coronavirus second wave, unions warn

Universities could become ground zero for a coronavirus second wave unless they scrap face-to-face teaching, unions warn as students prepare to return next month The movement of around one million students ‘could spark cases in universities’  University and College Union  warns Government is ‘encouraging a health crisis’  UCU general secretary Jo Grady has now said … Read more

Boris Johnson faces collision course with defiant unions as he launches back-to-work drive

Boris Johnson was on a collision course with the unions last night as he prepared a fresh push next week to get all civil servants back to their desks to ‘set an example’. Downing Street sources said the Prime Minister was determined to get ‘every’ official back to demonstrate a safe return to work is possible. … Read more

Boris Johnson faces collision course with defiant unions as he launches back-to-work drive

Boris Johnson was on a collision course with the unions last night as he prepared a fresh push next week to get all civil servants back to their desks to ‘set an example’. Downing Street sources said the Prime Minister was determined to get ‘every’ official back to demonstrate a safe return to work is possible. … Read more