Unions seize on 11th hour demands that Boris Johnson introduces facemasks in schools

Nicola Sturgeon’s decision to require secondary school pupils in Scotland to wear face masks has piled the pressure on Boris Johnson to follow suit as speculation grows the Prime Minister could be humiliated into a U-turn.   The Scottish First Minister said yesterday she was finalising plans which will see older students told to wear face … Read more

Unions seize on 11th hour demands that Boris Johnson introduces facemasks in schools

Teaching unions have seized on 11th-hour demands for Boris Johnson to introduce face masks in schools after Nicola Sturgeon said she was preparing to make them compulsory, risking another row just days before schools are due to reopen.  The First Minister announced yesterday she plans to require face coverings in corridors and shared areas at … Read more

Coronavirus Scotland: Teaching unions react as schools reopen

Teaching unions are still furious at Government plans to press on with reopening schools in England in September, insisting the science is still not clear enough to be sure it’s safe. Pupils in Scotland started their full return to education today more than four months after lockdown began in March. And Boris Johnson’s Government insists … Read more

Gavin Williamson slaps down unions’ bid to ‘sabotage’ school reopening

Gavin Williamson is facing a standoff with unions today as he vowed schools will reopen next month – with experts saying the risks are low. The Education Secretary said getting all children back in the classroom in the coming weeks is a ‘national priority’. The intervention came as unions were accused of a bid to … Read more

Gavin Williamson slaps down unions’ bid to ‘sabotage’ school reopening

Gavin Williamson is facing a standoff with unions today as he vowed schools will reopen next month – with experts saying the risks are low. The Education Secretary said getting all children back in the classroom in the coming weeks is a ‘national priority’. The intervention came as unions were accused of a bid to … Read more

Teaching unions call for face masks to be made mandatory for children

Teaching unions have urged ministers to make face masks mandatory for children in secondary schools when they finally return in September. Ministers currently have no plans to make pupils or staff in the UK wear masks when they go back to school after the summer holidays.  The Government has conceded that face masks in the classroom … Read more

Teaching unions call for face masks to be made mandatory for children

Teaching unions have urged ministers to make face masks mandatory for children in secondary schools when they finally return in September. Ministers currently have no plans to make pupils or staff in the UK wear masks when they go back to school after the summer holidays.  The Government has conceded that face masks in the classroom … Read more

Unions slam British Gas-owner Centrica’s ‘fire and rehire’plan

Unions slam British Gas-owner’s ‘fire and rehire’plan: 20,000 staff told to accept new working conditions or risk losing their jobs By Francesca Washtell For The Daily Mail Published: 21:51 BST, 16 July 2020 | Updated: 21:51 BST, 16 July 2020 Centrica could demand 20,000 staff accept new working conditions or risk losing their jobs. The … Read more

Gavin Williamson warns councils and unions not to block the return of pupils

Gavin Williamson yesterday warned councils, parents and teaching unions not to block the return to school. The Education Secretary insisted youngsters must have full-time education in England from September. He signalled a clampdown on councils and schools that refuse to welcome all year groups back, with parents facing fines for children’s non-attendance. The hardline stance … Read more

Gavin Williamson warns councils and unions not to block the return of pupils

Gavin Williamson yesterday warned councils, parents and teaching unions not to block the return to school. The Education Secretary insisted youngsters must have full-time education in England from September. He signalled a clampdown on councils and schools that refuse to welcome all year groups back, with parents facing fines for children’s non-attendance. The hardline stance … Read more