Half of Britain’s Covid cases are checked for variants

Half of Britain’s coronavirus cases are now being checked for jab-resistant variants that could derail the lockdown exit strategy. Scientists tasked with tracking the ever-evolving virus have been sequencing more than 20,000 positive swabs a week for strains since February. But fewer than 40,000 positive Covid tests were detected last week, meaning No10 is now … Read more

Half of Britain’s Covid cases are checked for variants

Half of Britain’s coronavirus cases are now being checked for jab-resistant variants that could derail the lockdown exit strategy. Scientists tasked with tracking the ever-evolving virus have been sequencing more than 20,000 positive swabs a week for strains since February. But fewer than 40,000 positive Covid tests were detected last week, meaning No10 is now … Read more

CDC declares to CA covid strains ‘variants of concern’

Two strains of coronavirus that emerged in California last summer and fall have been declared ‘variants of concern’ by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Health officials think that each variant is about 20 percent more transmissible than the currently dominant ‘original’ variant, based on early data.  Lab studies also suggest that some … Read more

Experts fear that daily cases plateauing and variants in every state could lead to another surge

Weekly totals of coronavirus cases and deaths in the United States are continuing to slowly decline, but experts worry that plateauing figures, and the emergence of variants, could undo the progress the country has made. Over the last seven days, the nation has reported 381,549 new infections, marking the fourth day in a row weekly … Read more

UK and NYC ‘super-covid’ variants now make up 51% of all coronavirus cases in the city

Two highly infectious coronavirus variants now make up more than half of new cases in New York City. At a press conference on Wednesday, health officials revealed that the UK variant, known as B.1.1.7, and the homegrown New York City variant, B.1.526, now account for 51 percent of infections. The city’s pandemic response lab found B.1.526 … Read more

Covid: Pfizer and Moderna vaccines give T-cell immunity against new variants

Immunity produced by white blood cells is ‘not substantially affected’ by mutated coronavirus variants, scientists have found.  Experts were concerned the current jabs might not work as well against the South African and Brazilian variants because they changed its shape. Studies found disease-fighting proteins called antibodies were less effective in the face of the new strains, … Read more

Coronavirus: Oxford vaccine professor says UK should ditch ‘obsession’ with Covid variants

The coronavirus could be reaching a ‘plateau’ in its evolution, a government and Cambridge University scientist suggested today. Professor Sharon Peacock, who runs the Covid Genomics Consortium tracking new variants of the virus, said fewer new mutations are cropping up in the virus and it is showing ‘convergent evolution’ in which unconnected variants look the … Read more

Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine works well against UK and South African variants, researchers say

Russia’s Sputnik V Covid vaccine works well against UK and South African variants of the virus, researchers say Vladimir Putin green-lit approval for mass-use of Sputnik V in Russia last August Last month is order review of the vaccine’s effectiveness against new variants Researchers suggest the Russian-made shot protects against UK and South African variants … Read more

Covid UK: Matt Hancock claims cases of variants ‘falling sharply’

Matt Hancock today claimed new cases of troublesome Covid variants are falling — just hours before Public Health England figures suggested the opposite.  The Health Secretary said confirmed cases of mutated strains have dropped ‘quite sharply’ and that only a dozen were discovered last week, boasting ‘the measures we are taking at the border are working’. … Read more