SARAH VINE: Feel invisible as a middle aged woman? Just pretend to be a man! 

Ask any middle-aged woman what her superpower is and chances are you’ll get the same answer: invisibility. Our ability to go undetected during the normal course of our daily lives is quite amazing. That dishwasher that mysteriously unloads itself; those towels that miraculously return to the airing cupboard, all clean and fluffy.  The food that … Read more

How do I know the fat jab works? Because I’m on it! SARAH VINE reveals how it has changed her life 

Anyone who picked up a newspaper yesterday — particularly anyone who has a serious weight problem and is trapped in a cycle of self-loathing and endless failed diets — will have rejoiced at a particular story. A ‘miracle’ drug had been found, we were told — one that’s extremely effective at helping obese people lose … Read more

SARAH VINE: Cool Jackie Weaver stands for every woman who’s had to deal with petty men

As someone who has occasionally dabbled in parish politics, I know what a tricky task it can be. Dark, rainy nights spent leafletting, endless glasses of warm white wine, interminable fundraisers in freezing sports halls, endemic halitosis, petty power struggles and a seemingly infinite number of very dull conversations about traffic management. Most of the … Read more

Jeremy Vine reveals scammer told him to ‘f***’ off’ after trying to obtain his bank details

‘Utter scum’: Jeremy Vine, 55, reveals scammer told him to ‘f***’ off’ after trying to obtain his bank details fraudulently via WhatsApp By Rebecca Davison for MailOnline Published: 11:55 GMT, 28 January 2021 | Updated: 11:55 GMT, 28 January 2021 Jeremy Vine took to Twitter on Thursday to reveal an alleged scammer contacted him via … Read more

SARAH VINE: We MUST help these children fulfil their hopes and dreams

As the mother of two children at inner-city London secondaries, I know how difficult life is for some pupils. Over the years, children of all shapes and sizes and from all types of backgrounds have sat at my kitchen table. Some have every advantage in life, others have very little. Some have parents who smother … Read more

SARAH VINE: We MUST help these children fulfil their hopes and dreams

As the mother of two children at inner-city London secondaries, I know how difficult life is for some pupils. Over the years, children of all shapes and sizes and from all types of backgrounds have sat at my kitchen table. Some have every advantage in life, others have very little. Some have parents who smother … Read more

SARAH VINE: What TV’s Tom has got to tell Harry and Meghan

When celebrity couples announce they’re taking a break from social media, it usually means they’re either heading for rehab or the divorce courts. So it was a relief to see that no sooner had the Duke and Duchess of Sussex taken tearful leave of their millions of Instagram followers they were back, broadcasting loud and clear … Read more

SARAH VINE: What TV’s Tom has got to tell Harry and Meghan

When celebrity couples announce they’re taking a break from social media, it usually means they’re either heading for rehab or the divorce courts. So it was a relief to see that no sooner had the Duke and Duchess of Sussex taken tearful leave of their millions of Instagram followers they were back, broadcasting loud and clear … Read more

SARAH VINE: No one gets a second childhood. Why must THEY pay the price for the virus?

Since the 1870s, when Britain stopped sending children up chimneys, this country has upheld its commitment to the care of the young. As of Monday, when it was announced that all schools would have to close until mid-February at the earliest, that principle is now in question. It is clear to me, and to other … Read more

SARAH VINE: No one gets a second childhood. Why must THEY pay the price for the virus?

Since the 1870s, when Britain stopped sending children up chimneys, this country has upheld its commitment to the care of the young. As of Monday, when it was announced that all schools would have to close until mid-February at the earliest, that principle is now in question. It is clear to me, and to other … Read more