Andrew Lloyd Webber volunteers for COVID-19 vaccine study ‘to prove theatres can re-open safely’

Andrew Lloyd Webber volunteers for experimental COVID-19 study working towards a vaccine: ‘I’ll do anything to prove that theatres can re-open safely’ The composer announced that he will take part in an experimental study that’s working towards a coronavirus vaccine  The University of Oxford and the drug company AstraZeneca are working on the development of … Read more

Is it ethical to infect volunteers with Covid-19 to test a vaccine?

A crumpled blue shirt and cords, beaten-up brown lace-ups and five-day stubble – it’s the classic, bookish Oxford student uniform that makes Seán McPartlin seem an unlikely hero in the war against Covid-19. But that’s exactly what he might become. Astonishingly, the 22-year-old philosophy postgraduate student is one of a handful of men and women … Read more

Top Oxford vaccine scientists in ethics row over whether to infect volunteers with coronavirus

The two British scientists at the forefront of the hunt for a coronavirus vaccine have clashed over a controversial plan to deliberately infect people with the virus. Professor Adrian Hill, director of the Jenner Institute at Oxford University, is in the advanced stages of setting up a human trial for one of the most promising … Read more

Is it ethical to infect volunteers with Covid-19 to test a vaccine?

A crumpled blue shirt and cords, beaten-up brown lace-ups and five-day stubble – it’s the classic, bookish Oxford student uniform that makes Seán McPartlin seem an unlikely hero in the war against Covid-19. But that’s exactly what he might become. Astonishingly, the 22-year-old philosophy postgraduate student is one of a handful of men and women … Read more

Coronavirus: Professor, 52, volunteers to take Moderna vaccine

It was no routine shot in the arm.  Last week university professor Gary Stradiotto became one of 30,000 volunteers helping to test a vaccine in the world’s biggest COVID-19 study. Stradiotto, 52, an adjunct professor of Political Science at the University of San Diego, volunteered for the final phase of the Moderna study and received his … Read more

Oxford academic dismisses idea of deliberately infecting volunteers with Covid-19 to test vaccine

Professor Sarah Gilbert said it would not be safe for them to do a so-called ‘challenge trial’ of Oxford University’s Covid-19 vaccine candidate  An Oxford academic today dismissed the idea of deliberately infecting volunteers with Covid-19 to test the university’s experimental vaccine because no treatment currently exists to keep patients safe. Hopes of ending the Covid-19 … Read more

Nobel laureates call for healthy volunteers to be infected with coronavirus for vaccine trials

Healthy people should be purposely infected with the coronavirus to speed up the development of a vaccine, according to a group of 100 leading experts that includes Nobel Prize-winning scientists. Controversial ‘challenge trials’ could rapidly accelerate studies on experimental jabs which are struggling to recruit volunteers because of falling Covid-19 infection rates, the group says.  … Read more

Sophie Wessex helps volunteers at charity shop as she continues volunteering efforts amid COVID-19

Sophie the shop girl! Countess of Wessex helps out at a children’s hospice charity shop as she continues her volunteering efforts amid the COVID-19 crisis Sophie Wessex, 55, has spent time with volunteers at Weybridge charity shop The Countess of Wessex is the patron of Shooting Star Children’s Hospices  She gave a helping hand at … Read more

Black Lives Matter protests: Volunteers scrub ‘Churchill was a racist’ graffiti off statue

A group of volunteers including four Army cadets cleaned up a memorial to Winston Churchill in London this morning after it was defaced by activists during yesterday’s violent Black Lives Matter protests. The men scrubbed graffiti off the statue one day after the phrase ‘was racist’ was added in spray paint by protesters below the … Read more

Black Lives Matter protests: Volunteers scrub ‘Churchill was a racist’ graffiti off statue

A group of volunteers including four Army cadets cleaned up a memorial to Winston Churchill in London this morning after it was defaced by activists during yesterday’s violent Black Lives Matter protests. The men scrubbed graffiti off the statue one day after the phrase ‘was racist’ was added in spray paint by protesters below the … Read more