World Health Organization chief tells Trump don’t politicize the coronavirus crisis

The head of the World Health Organization warned President Donald Trump on Wednesday to stop politicizing the coronavirus crisis ‘if you don’t want many more body bags.’ ‘At the end of the day, the people belong to all political parties. The focus of all political parties should be to save their people, please do not … Read more

Coronavirus: Face masks DO NOT prevent infection, WHO says

Face masks do not stop people from catching coronavirus, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) in light of recent studies suggesting the opposite. The United Nations’ health body was forced to review new evidence from Hong Kong claiming mass-issuing masks may have helped contain the pandemic. But the WHO maintains the public should not … Read more

Spain’s coronavirus outbreak ‘is definitely slowing down’

Spain’s coronavirus outbreak is ‘slowing down’, the World Health Organisation says, despite an uptick in the daily death toll and rate of new infections today.    Dr Bruce Aylward, an adviser to the WHO director-general, said after visiting Spain that it was too early to be optimistic but the crisis was ‘definitely slowing down’.  Today’s figures … Read more

Sadiq Khan reavels 14 TfL staff have died from coronavirus, but say’s they don’t need PPE

So much for ‘the enhanced cleaning regime’: Drivers share photos of filthy London buses – as FOURTEEN TfL staff have now died from coronavirus Nine bus drivers are among 14 London transport workers to have died, virus all took lives of three Tube staff  Sadiq Khan says drivers don’t need to wear personal protective equipment … Read more

Coronavirus: Trump slams ‘China-centric’ World Health Organization

President Donald Trump savaged the ‘China centric’ World Health Organization on Tuesday and said he wanted the group looked into before any more U.S. dollars flow to Beijing.  ‘They called it wrong, they called it wrong, they missed the call,’ Trump said during his daily White House press briefing.  ‘They should have known and they probably … Read more

Trump launches full-frontal attack on ‘China-centric’ World Health Organization

President Trump today savaged the ‘China centric’ World Health Organization and said he wanted the group looked into before any more U.S. dollars flow to Beijing.  ‘They called it wrong, they called it wrong, they missed the call,’ Trump said during Tuesday’s White House press briefing. ‘They should have known and they probably did know,’ he … Read more

Trump calls WHO ‘China-centric’ and says he might slash funding

Donald Trump takes aim at World Health Organization calling it ‘China-centric’ and says he will consider cutting funding for international body after being criticized for his own coronavirus response President Trump went after the World Health Organization in a tweet Tuesday, calling the international health body too ‘China centric’  Trump said the WHO ‘really blew … Read more

UK will be the worst coronavirus-hit nation in Europe with 66,000 deaths, top scientists predict 

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

UK will be the worst coronavirus-hit nation in Europe with 66,000 deaths, top scientists predict 

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Snapchat releases new lens that lets you donate to the COVID-19 relief fund by scanning a banknote

Snapchat releases new lens that lets you donate to the COVID-19 relief fund by scanning a banknote on your smartphone The lens uses augmented reality to show how donations help WHO efforts This includes tracking COVID-19’s spread, patient care and supporting hospitals  Last week, Snapchat launched two other lenses in partnership with the WHO One … Read more