Shocking moment boy racer speeding at 76mph in 30 zone causes rival to hit PREGNANT mother

Shocking moment boy racer hits a pregnant woman and her toddler at 76mph in 30mph zone is released as driver is jailed for two years Bellal Ahmad, 29, was racing another car at 76mph in Stoke-on-Trent in 2017  Mother, pregnant with her second child, was carrying daughter across the road  Ahmad was driving an Audi A7 … Read more

Shocking moment boy racer speeding at 76mph in 30 zone causes rival to hit PREGNANT mother

Shocking moment boy racer hits a pregnant woman and her toddler at 76mph in 30mph zone is released as the man he was racing is jailed for two years Bellal Ahmad, 29, was racing another car at 76mph in Stoke-on-Trent in 2017  Mother, pregnant with her second child, was carrying daughter across the road  Ahmad was … Read more

Air pollution from diesel cars is 23% worse outside of London’s ultra-low emissions zone

Harmful air pollution from diesel vehicles is 23 per cent higher outside of London’s current ultra-low emissions zone (ULEZ), a new study reveals.  EDF Europe gathered pollution data from 231 sites in London and tracked levels of toxic nitrogen oxides (NOx). It reveals the five worst locations are all outside the ULEZ, which was introduced in April … Read more

McDonald’s restaurant in Greater Manchester lockdown zone is forced to shut

McDonald’s restaurant in Greater Manchester lockdown zone is forced to shut after five staff test positive for coronavirus Five staff at a McDonald’s branch in Stockport have tested postive for Covid-19 It comes as a ‘major incident’ was declared in Greater Manchester yesterday A spokesman for McDonald’s said the restaurant is now temporarily closed  By … Read more

McDonald’s restaurant in Greater Manchester lockdown zone is forced to shut

McDonald’s restaurant in Greater Manchester lockdown zone is forced to shut after five staff test positive for coronavirus Five staff at a McDonald’s branch in Stockport have tested postive for Covid-19 It comes as a ‘major incident’ was declared in Greater Manchester yesterday A spokesman for McDonald’s said the restaurant is now temporarily closed  By … Read more

Leaked White House document says 18 states are in covid ‘red zone’

Leaked White House document shows 18 ‘red zone’ states should issue mandatory mask orders and roll back reopening by shutting down bars and banning gatherings of more than 10 people An internal White House report obtained by the Center for Public Integrity shows 18 states are considered in the ‘red zone’ for surging case numbers  … Read more

Seattle cop KNEELS on CHOP protester’s neck after officers dive at demonstrators while clearing zone

Seattle police officers were filmed kneeling on the necks of two CHOP demonstrators as they were being arrested for squatting at a downtown intersection on two separate occasions on Thursday.  Seattle police officers continued to gradually reclaim the streets from the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) as one video shows cops dive-tackling a group of … Read more

Seattle cop KNEELS on CHOP protester’s neck after officers dive at demonstrators while clearing zone

Seattle police officers were filmed kneeling on the necks of two CHOP demonstrators as they were being arrested for squatting at a downtown intersection on two separate occasions on Thursday.  Seattle police officers continued to gradually reclaim the streets from the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) as one video shows cops dive-tackling a group of … Read more

Bulldozers crush camp at CHOP, Seattle’s cop-free zone

The clean up operation began at Seattle’s Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) zone on Wednesday after police in the city reclaimed their precinct following the mayor’s early morning executive order to vacate the area. Bulldozers moved in and crushed the camp where protesters occupied several blocks around a park and the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct. Officers … Read more

Bulldozers crush camp at CHOP, Seattle’s cop-free zone

The clean up operation began at Seattle’s Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) zone on Wednesday after police in the city reclaimed their precinct following the mayor’s early morning executive order to vacate the area. Bulldozers moved in and crushed the camp where protesters occupied several blocks around a park and the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct. Officers … Read more