Teenage mob steals scooter from middle aged man

Terrifying moment pack of cackling youths surround victim and steal his scooter in front of shocked relatives

  • A group of teenagers stole a scooter from a middle-aged man in Peckham
  • One of the mob filmed the incident where they later gloated about the theft
  • The incident is believed to have happened on Monday in Peckham 
  • The teenagers filmed themselves congratulating each other after the theft 

Disturbing video footage has emerged showing the moment a mob of young boys steal a scooter from a man in a London park.

The footage, filmed in Peckham, and shared on Twitter on Monday show the man riding a scooter. 

Suddenly, he is approached by a teenager, who asks him to hand over the scooter but he appears to refuse to do so.

A group of teenagers attacked a man and his family as he walked along with a scooter in London on Monday 

The gang ordered the man to hand over his scooter before dragging it away by force

The gang ordered the man to hand over his scooter before dragging it away by force

Members of the gang later congratulated each other for stealing the man's scooter

Members of the gang later congratulated each other for stealing the man’s scooter 

One of the young boys in the group, who is filming the incident, can be heard shouting at the man, ‘Give him the f ****** scooter bro, give him the f ****** scooter.’

Another young boy, who is wearing a face mask, then approaches the man and also begins eyeing up the scooter, standing directly in front of the man, preventing him from moving forward.

At this point, one of the women grabs hold of the scooter as another teenager attempts to pull it away from her.

The two women and the man try to leave the situation, holding on tightly to the scooter and walking away as the teenagers attempt to grab hold of it before violently kicking the man and woman.

The group of teenagers can be heard laughing as they violently attack the three Asian individuals, who are visibly shaken.

The video then cuts off and the group of teens can be seen standing in the middle of a street in a quiet neighbourhood as they assess the scooter, having managed to successfully steal it from the victim.

The teen filming the video can be heard laughing and yelling, ‘We got the f ****** scooter, yeah?’