Trump calls WHO ‘China-centric’ and says he might slash funding

Donald Trump takes aim at World Health Organization calling it ‘China-centric’ and says he will consider cutting funding for international body after being criticized for his own coronavirus response

  • President Trump went after the World Health Organization in a tweet Tuesday, calling the international health body too ‘China centric’ 
  • Trump said the WHO ‘really blew it’ on its coronavirus pandemic response, suggesting he’s looking into slashing its U.S. funding 
  • The president was following the lead of other conservatives who have blamed WHO for helping China cover-up the initial coronavirus outbreak 
  • The criticism of WHO comes as Democrats have condemned the Trump administration’s response to combatting the virus in the U.S.  

President Trump went after the World Health Organization in a tweet Tuesday, calling it too ‘China centric’ and threatening to trim U.S. funding from the body. 

‘The W.H.O. really blew it,’ Trump wrote. ‘For some reason, funded largely by the United States yet very China centric. We will be giving that a good look.’ 

Trump was following the lead of other American conservatives who have placed blame on WHO for ‘helping Communist China cover up a global pandemic,’ as Sen. Rick Scott, a Florida Republican, put it. 

President Trump, photographed at the daily coronavirus briefing on Sunday, blasted the World Health Organization in a Tuesday tweet, saying it ‘really blew it’

Trump suggested he might cut the U.S.'s funding that goes toward WHO, calling the United Nations agency 'very China centric'

Trump suggested he might cut the U.S.’s funding that goes toward WHO, calling the United Nations agency ‘very China centric’ 

The coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China - where Chinese authorities lifted a travel ban on April 8. Conservative allies of Trump have said WHO helped China cover-up the outbreak

The coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China – where Chinese authorities lifted a travel ban on April 8. Conservative allies of Trump have said WHO helped China cover-up the outbreak 

The coroanvirus pandemic originated in Wuhan, China.  

At the same time, Democratic governors, lawmakers and pundits have condemned Trump’s response in combatting the virus, suggesting he did too little, too late.  

On January 31, the Trump administration announced travel restrictions on people coming from China due to the outbreak. 

But on February 3, WHO said such bans were not needed.

‘Fortunately I rejected their advice on keeping our borders open to China early on,’ Trump tweeted Tuesday. 

‘Why did they give us such a faulty recommendation?’ the president asked. 

WHO is also still not recommending that every person wears a mask, while the U.S.’s Centers of Disease Control made the voluntary recommendation last week.  

GOP lawmakers have floated that it’s because the WHO is under China’s spell.  

Last week, Sen. Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican, said WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus should resign because ‘he allowed Beijing to use the WHO to mislead the global community.’ 

As did Sen. Martha McSally, an Arizona Republican. 

‘They need to come clean and another piece of this is, the WHO has to stop covering for them,’ she said of China. ‘I think Dr. Tedros needs to step down,’ McSally said on Fox Business Network. 

‘We need to take some actions to address this issue. It’s just irresponsible, it’s unconscionable what they have done here while we have people dying across the globe,’ McSally added.   

Scott, the Florida senator, said the Senate Homeland Security Committee needed to launch an investigation into WHO’s handling of the virus.   

WHO is part of the United Nations and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.