Abusive former police officer, 60, is banned from returning to his OWN home

An abusive former police officer has been banned from ever returning to his own home after a judge put an end to his five year campaign of hate.

Stephen Lau has not only been forbidden from going to the house he owns in Exmouth, Devon, but has also been barred indefinitely from entering the town.

A restraining order made at Exeter Crown Court means he faces up to five years in jail if he goes back to his house, which is his only permanent residence.

The nightmare neighbour has convictions for harassing neighbour Sally Watts or damaging her property going back to 2015 and was already subject to a restraining order which prohibited any further contact.

Stephen Lau (pictured) has not only been forbidden from going to the house he owns in Exmouth, Devon, but has also been barred indefinitely from entering the town.

He broke the order in June of last year when he left his car in her parking space in Hartley Road, Exmouth, with an abusive sign in the window.

He tried to frame her by vandalising his own car and then went on a bizarre rampage in which he daubed green paint at 11 different locations in Exeter and Exmouth.

The paint attacks targeted people or places against whom he had a grudge and included painting swastikas at two hospitals and abusive graffiti at Ms Watts solicitors and the Exmouth branch of Barclays Bank.

Lau, aged 60, who is currently living with his mother in Exeter, admitted breach of an earlier restraining order and eleven charges of criminal damage.

He was made subject to a three year community order with a mental health treatment requirement by Judge Peter Johnson, who also imposed the new, indefinite restraining order.

Stephen Lau lives in a flat in this property in Exmouth, Devon. But he is not allowed to return to it and is currently living with his mother

Stephen Lau lives in a flat in this property in Exmouth, Devon. But he is not allowed to return to it and is currently living with his mother

He told Lau: ‘Any restraining order must be necessary and proportionate in its ambit and duration. It seems to me, having regard to the history of this matter, to be appropriate to exclude you from entering Exmouth.

‘These matters have been going on for a long time and when you were bailed with a condition not to enter Exmouth, it seems to have worked. There was no offending and you complied with it.

‘Perhaps most significant of all, the psychiatric report echoed the view of probation that you should not be allowed to enter Exmouth.

‘It is not just Ms Watts, there are a number of potential triggers and a lot of your offending occurred in Exmouth. There would be a substantial risk if you were allowed to go there.

‘Having regard to the duration of this order, I can see no grounds for not making it until further order.’

Mr Gareth Evans, prosecuting, said the original restraining order forbidding contact with Ms Watts was made in 2015 and Lau has twice received suspended sentences for breaking it.

A restraining order made at Exeter Crown Court (pictured) means he faces up to five years in jail if he goes back to his house, which is his only permanent residence

A restraining order made at Exeter Crown Court (pictured) means he faces up to five years in jail if he goes back to his house, which is his only permanent residence

He parked his car in Ms Watts space with an obscene and abusive sign in the window in early June. He also left a threatening message with the company managing her property in which he called them ‘a bunch of twats’.

The green paint attacks were carried between June 9 and 11 and police recovered dash cam footage from Lau’s car which showed him driving from one target to the next.

The car normally had the personalised number plate S 777 LAU, but he had replaced it with the original number when he carried out the attacks.

They included the Wonford House Hospital in Exeter and St John’s Court Hospital in Exmouth, where he painted swastikas and obscene graffiti.

He also painted a property owned by Ms Watts daughter-in-law and the offices ofher solicitor.

Mr Barry White, defending, said all the offences took place when Lau was in the grip of a florid episode of a schizo affected disorder, when his culpability was reduced by his mental illness.

He was forced to give up his job as a police officer because of his illness and has been admitted to hospital 13 times in 15 years.

He questioned whether it was reasonable for anyone to be banned from living their own home, let alone from going back to their home town.

He said: ‘To say that you cannot ever go back to your house, which you have bought with your own money, is a very significant step and could be said to be disproportionate.

‘He has lived at the property for a good number of years. That is where his life was. These offences reflect a man who is not bad, but significantly unwell.’