Adobe Liquid Mode introduced, uses AI to reformat PDF for reading

PDF may be a bit old but it still is one of the most convenient formats being used in the digital world. These days, more people are creating, opening, and using PDF files as we are required to stay at home. But pandemic or not, Adobe needs to update the digital format so it is lighter and easier to use. After our Adobe Photoshop Camera Review, we’re learning from Adobe its multi-year vision for PDF. The company has recently introduced Liquid Mode in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Adobe has shared that its Document Cloud products and services have “skyrocketed”. For one, usage for the Adobe Sign has doubled. It’s the same with the number of monthly active users of Acrobat DC. It only means PDFs role across different industries is growing.

Adobe’s Liquid Mode is the brand’s first step to changing the way digital documents are consumed. Organizations now extract document intelligence and it’s something that must be explored and improved. Adobe wants to reinvent mobile productivity. It took advantage of its AI framework, the Adobe Sensei, to understand PDFs more.

Liquid Mode is a new reading experience that makes mobile reading easier than ever. It will be available first in Adobe Acrobat Reader mobile app for Android and iOS. Desktops, browsers, and Chromebooks will get it next.

Liquid Mode allows a document to be quickly reformatted. A single click of a button will do the reformatting that includes text, tablets, and images to be easily readable on smaller screens. The Adobe Sensei AI will help in understanding a PDF file before it reformats the content into a more dynamic experience.

The new feature aims to come up with an intelligent outline of the content. It will show searchable text and collapsible and expandable sections that may result in quicker navigation. You can then customize the spacing between words and change the font size depending on your preference.

Liquid Mode will no longer require pinching and zooming so you can read the document better. The technology is not perfect yet but it has potential. It uses machine learning so there are still many rooms for improvement.