August and Yale smart locks updated with biometric verification

August Home is a name known for smart locks and doorbell cameras. It has introduced several smart devices. Connected devices from the brand have received support for Google Assistant through the years. The last one we featured was the August Wi-Fi Smart Lock ready with a more compact design and features. Earlier this week, the company has introduced Biometric Verification not only for August locks but also for locks from Yale. This is an improvement to some of the more popular products from the two brands.

August regularly updates its product lineup. They are upgraded with a quick release of software updates. The latest is a quicker and simpler way to unlock a door with the use of biometric verification.

Biometric technology is proven effective. It’s not perfect but it’s very simple and secure. The August and Yale Access apps are bing updated with biometric verification for any remote unlock/lock operation. Specifically, those Yale Assure Locks and August Smart Locks that feature Wi-Fi.

Once the apps are updated, they will utilize the built-in authentication tools of a phone to prompt either facial or fingerprint recognition. It’s needed before a home lock can be locked or unlocked. If there is no authentication feature, the the app will simply ask for a PIN code. This security feature is opt-in. It will not be automatically enabled when you check your lock status. It won’t be enacted yet so app experience is seamless.

Biometic authentication or verification means a lock or door is only opened by the right person. Note that the app doesn’t work over Bluetooth. It only works over mobile data or WiFi. Make sure you have the Connect Wi-Fi Bridge or August Wi-Fi Smart Lock.

A “Hide Entry Codes” feature has also been added. This provides the option to effectively hide keypad entry codes within the mobile app. This is another layer of security for the smart locks.