Clubhouse now open for everybody, no longer invite-only

Clubhouse was first introduced earlier last year–just in time when the pandemic forced millions of people around the world to stay home and live socially distanced lives. We have seen the social media network receive updates and get competitors like Spaces by Twitter. We also heard something similar from Facebook, as well as, Reddit Talk. Back in May, Clubhouse started beta testing for Android. Clubhouse finally made its way to Android but still in beta then. The app expanded to more countries as it was being prepped for the general public.

What started as a prototype turned into a small community. And that group of beta testers is now bigger. The social media program is also now out of beta. Anyone can join in the fun. No need for a waitlist.

If you’re on Clubhouse and have a club started, you can now post your link and share with more people. Anyone can attend an event and join the club. It doesn’t matter if a person is on Android or iOS. Anyone is welcome to Clubhouse.

The invite system certainly helped in growing the community. New members were added in waves because of the system. But today, Clubhouse is very much open to everyone in the whole wide world. If you want to have meaningful conversations even with strangers, check out the rooms on Clubhouse.

The Clubhouse team also grew the past year–from 8 to 58. Number of rooms are now half a million from 50,000. The community now has ten million members. Average use time is now one hour.

Clubhouse will continue to grow especially now that it’s open. Competition will be tighter as large networks have started to boost their own as well.