Denise Drysdale injures herself on Holey Moley after electric shock stunt

Rumours have been swirling for months about how Denise Drysdale managed to fracture her shoulder on family-friendly golfing show Holey Moley.

But the speculation was finally put to rest on Sunday night’s episode, as footage of the 72-year-old’s horrific fall finally went to air.  

The incident occurred while Denise was competing against ex-Olympic speed skater Steven Bradbury during a ‘Frankenputt’ challenge.  

Taking a tumble: Denise Drysdale, 72, suffered a painful shoulder injury herself on Sunday’s episode of Holey Moley after an electric shock stunt went wrong 

As part of the Frankenstein-themed course, contestants who missed their shots were zapped by an ‘electric shock machine’ – which was controlled by an actor wearing an ‘evil gopher’ costume. 

After missing her shot, Denise playfully tried to chase the gopher around the course, but ended up losing her balance and falling over.  

‘Give us your little furry hand!’ she gleefully shouted, before tripping over and hitting the ground with her shoulder. 

Gopher gold! As part of the Frankenstein-themed course, contestants who missed their shots were zapped by an 'electric shock machine' - which was controlled by an actor wearing an 'evil gopher' costume (right)

Gopher gold! As part of the Frankenstein-themed course, contestants who missed their shots were zapped by an ‘electric shock machine’ – which was controlled by an actor wearing an ‘evil gopher’ costume (right) 

Denise immediately howled in agony and began writhing on the putting green.  

‘That doesn’t look good at all,’ commentator Matt Shirvington said ruefully. 

‘Oh, damn shoulder,’ Denise could be heard whispering to herself as she clutched her left arm. 

Down she goes! After missing her shot, Denise playfully tried to chase the gopher around the course, but ended up losing her balance and falling over

Down she goes! After missing her shot, Denise playfully tried to chase the gopher around the course, but ended up losing her balance and falling over

Down she goes! After missing her shot, Denise playfully tried to chase the gopher around the course, but ended up losing her balance and falling over

‘Did she just fall on her shoulder?’ fellow commentator Rob Riggle asked as medics, producers and production staff rushed to Denise’s aide. 

‘Oh, that hurt like hell. Oh my god…’ Denise groaned, adding: ‘Where do we go from here?’

In a matter of minutes, the medical staff had wrapped Denise’s arm in a sling and escorted her off-set in a wheelchair. 

Painful: Medics, producers and production staff rushed to Denise's aide as she lay on the ground writing in agony

Painful: Medics, producers and production staff rushed to Denise’s aide as she lay on the ground writing in agony 

Ever the comedian, Denise took the incident in good humour.  

‘Ahh, I’m in a sling. Bloody gopher!’ she said, before telling her competitor: ‘Steven, I’m out!’ 

Denise later told fans that she’d fractured her shoulder during the fall. 

Ouch: In a matter of minutes, the medical staff had wrapped Denise's arm in a sling and escorted her off-set in a wheelchair

Ouch: In a matter of minutes, the medical staff had wrapped Denise’s arm in a sling and escorted her off-set in a wheelchair

'Bloody gopher!' Ever the comedian, Denise took the incident in good humour

‘Bloody gopher!’ Ever the comedian, Denise took the incident in good humour 

‘I had a bit of an accident. I fractured my shoulder and then sat for three months, I couldn’t do anything,’ she told Studio 10 earlier this month. 

‘The hand hasn’t come back yet,’ the TV veteran chuckled, as she lifted up her left hand and made a claw movement. 

Studio 10 host Sarah Harris offered a concerned sigh, asking Denise: ‘Are you in pain?’

Recovery: Appearing on Studio 10 earlier this month, Denise confirmed that she'd fractured her shoulder during the fall and had been recovering for the past three months

Recovery: Appearing on Studio 10 earlier this month, Denise confirmed that she’d fractured her shoulder during the fall and had been recovering for the past three months 

‘No… pain is no stranger anyway!’ she joked in response, before admitting that she felt embarrassed by the accident.  

‘I just feel so foolish… it’s the first time it’s happened though,’ she insisted.  

In October, Denise told Studio 10 she had been put ‘in a situation where she shouldn’t have been’ when she fell over and injured herself.

‘I wasn’t playing silly buggers. It was 3.30 in the morning and a segment I was doing shouldn’t have even been considered,’ she said. 

‘I did it, and I shouldn’t have. I’ve learned a terrible lesson to learn at my age, but it has changed my thinking – again!’

Hospital: In October, Denise supplied Studio 10 with this photo of herself recovering from her shoulder injury in hospital, but gave little information about what had actually happened

Hospital: In October, Denise supplied Studio 10 with this photo of herself recovering from her shoulder injury in hospital, but gave little information about what had actually happened