Google Fit app brings paced walking mode

While the fitness band or smartwatch that you’re using probably has its own app, Google Fit is still a pretty good one to use to store all of your health and fitness-related data in just one place. Aside from tracking your activities and keeping the information from your wearables, it can also help you complete daily goals that you want to set for yourself. The app is now getting a new mode for those who want to challenge themselves to do some brisk walking every day.

The Google Fit app now gets a paced walking mode in its latest update. The mode is pretty straightforward as per Android Police. All you need to do is set a pace goal of how many steps you should be taking in a minute. The average for most brisk walkers is 100 steps a minute and if that number makes you a little out of breath, it should as that is one of the points. But of course for those who are just starting, you can start with something a bit slower.

Once you begin the paced walking mode, you will hear consistent beeps in the background to help you match your steps and meet your goal. It can get annoying of course as our ears cannot handle constant beeping. You can listen to music or play a podcast but the beeping will still be there in the background and may prove to be a bit distracting so you’ll have to choose whether to keep the pace monitor or the music if you can’t handle both.

If you’re using a Wear OS device though, it seems like this feature isn’t on the Google Fit app for your smartwatch yet. It is a bit strange though as you would think Google would make it available for their own wearable platform first. But there may be some technical reason behind that and it may soon change eventually. But for now, it’s on the Google Fit app itself and maybe for the other connected smartwatches or fitness bands.

You can update the Google Fit app through the Google Play Store or grab it from the APK Mirror. The paced walking mode should be there already, encouraging you to start brisk walking at 100 steps per minute.