Google Play adds safety section that gives more app information

There have been some issue surrounding Google Play in India. Just recently, the Play Store paused auto-renewals and free trials in the country as a result of regulations by the central bank. A couple of weeks ago, Google Pay in India let users have better privacy controls. Today, we’re learning about a new safety section that give transparency into how mobile apps use data. Google Play will only be safer and more secure than ever as the tech giant continues to work on improvements. The safety section will soon help consumers see how much data a particular app collects. It can also provide insight if data is secured.

Transparency is key especially when it comes to tech. People needs to see and have total control of their data. It may not always be easy to track but it’s possible. Developers know the importance of transparency and want users to know app safety. With these in mind, Google devs are adding elements so important information are communicated to the consumer.

Such data include security practices (data encryption), if an app follows Google’s Families policy, and if an app enables users to request data deletion or if they decide to uninstall. Google can also tell if the safety section is actually verified by an independent third-party or if a particular app needs data to function or if users can share it.

As part of being transparent, devs want to provide users context to explain data use, as well as, safety practices that affect an experience with the app. All these changes will hopefully help app developers and app users to gain understanding of the whole app experience.

The new safety section will have developers providing information as to what type of data is collected and stored and how data is used.

Google will share detailed guidelines on the app privacy policies. Future app submissions and app updates will be required to include such information beginning the second quarter of 2022.

Developers will be required to provide a privacy policy and share the necessary information on Google Play. Devs still have time to work on the changes and by summer, the new policy requirements and resources will be ready.