Google reminds users how to make “every day safer” online

A lot of us have probably taken our online safety and privacy for granted but because of several incidents over the past few years, tech companies have come up with ways to make it safer for its users and remind users about how they can control their online experience. Safer Internet Day is an annual “special day” where they highlight safe online practices and Google is reminding us of all the ways they have made and we can make “every day safer” online.

Over the years, Google has brought some products and features to help us feel safer. Safe Browsing “protects more than four million devices” while Gmail constantly blocks more than 100 million phishing attempts daily. Google Play Protect also helps us by scanning over 100 billion apps every day to protect us from malware and other issues. Google has also brought Security Checkup as a constant reminder to secure your account while Password Checkup helps us keep our passwords safe.

They’re also introducing new things this time around. The Google Fi VPN for Android devices is now out of beta. This means users of the MVNO can stream, browse, and download online content on an encrypted and private connection if they wish to do so. They’re also launching a new initiative called Cybersecurity for State Leaders which will educate lawmakers and their staff to equip them with tools to protect against digital attacks.

Google Maps is also reminding you of ways you can control your experience on the app. In case you didn’t know it yet, you can change your display name on Maps and manage and personalize your profile. You can also easily report questionable content that you come across and also share your real-time location to trusted contacts especially if you’re in an unfamiliar place where you might get lost. And of course, if you don’t want Google saving some places you go to but still use Maps, you can always go Incognito.

While these online safety reminders may not be the most exciting thing to read and do on your apps, it’s always a good idea to regularly check your privacy and security settings. A lot of people only become concerned when they’ve become victims of nefarious forces online but don’t let it reach up to that point.