Number 10 thanks Trump for his offer of experimental coronavirus treatment for Boris Johnson

Number 10 has thanked Donald Trump for his offer of experimental coronavirus treatment for Boris Johnson and said officials are in ‘constant contact’ with the US government.

The American President said he had told two ‘genius’ drug companies to contact British authorities this morning after hearing the British prime minister had been transferred to intensive care in a London hospital.

Mr Johnson remains ‘stable’ and in ‘good spirits’ this afternoon, a spokesman said, and is breathing without assistance.

Trump held a conference call with US pharmaceutical and biotech firms Genetech, Amgen, Gilead and Regenereon earlier today, although it is unclear which were contacted.

It is believed the President was referring to drug hydroxychloroquine when he offered experimental treatment, an anti-malarial drug that he has repeatedly touted as a ‘game changer’ in the war on coronavirus. 

President Donald Trump offered his support for Boris Johnson after the UK prime minister was taken into intensive care in London on Monday

Responding to Trump’s offer, a spokesman for the prime minister said: ‘We are grateful for all of the warm wishes the Prime Minister has received overnight.

‘We are confident the Prime Minister is receiving the best possible care from the National Health Service. 

‘Any treatment he receives is a matter for his doctors.’

Trump told his daily news conference this morning: ‘I want to send best wishes to a very good friend of mine, and a friend to our nation, Prime Minister Boris Johnson,’ Trump said at his daily White House briefing. 

‘We are very saddened to hear that he was taken into intensive care this afternoon a little while ago. And Americans are all praying for his recovery.

‘He has been a really good friend pretty something special. Very strong. Resolute, he does not quit. Does not give up.’ 

Boris Johnson was transferred to intensive care in St Thomas' hospital, London , yesterday

Boris Johnson was transferred to intensive care in St Thomas’ hospital, London , yesterday

Speaking about his conference call with the US drug companies earlier today, Trump said: ‘We have made tremendous progress on therapeutics. I had a fantastic call today that I will be talking about a little bit later.

Johnson was transferred to the ICU at St Thomas' Hospital in London at 7pm local time on Monday - 11 days after testing positive for COVID-19. He posted a video about his symptoms on Friday (pictured)

Johnson was transferred to the ICU at St Thomas’ Hospital in London at 7pm local time on Monday – 11 days after testing positive for COVID-19. He posted a video about his symptoms on Friday (pictured)

‘I have asked two of the leading companies – these are brilliant companies, they have come up with solutions and just have done incredible jobs – I have asked them to contact to London immediately.  

‘They speak a language that most people do not even understand – but I understand something that they have really advanced there, therapeutically, and that they have arrived in London already.

‘The London office has whatever they need. And we will see if we can be of help. We have contacted all of Boris’ doctors, and we will see what is going to take place. But they are ready to go.

When asked to clarify which US drug companies had been asked to assist the UK he said they had ‘meetings with the doctors, and we will see whether or not they want to go down that route’. 

Johnson was transferred to the ICU at St Thomas’ Hospital in London at around 7pm local time Monday – 11 days after he tested positive for COVID-19.  

The 55-year-old Conservative was conscious and did not require ventilation, but he was moved into intensive care in case he needs it later, his office said in a statement.

Downing Street was forced to issue a statement today to quash mounting speculation, that said the prime minister had remained ‘stable’ overnight and had received ‘standard oxygen treatment’.

They also said he had not required any mechanical ventilation. 

Trump (center) and Johnson (right) are seen together with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (left) at the NATO Summit in London on December 4, 2019. During Monday's press briefing, Trump called the British PM 'a very good friend of mine, and a friend to our nation'

Trump (center) and Johnson (right) are seen together with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (left) at the NATO Summit in London on December 4, 2019. During Monday’s press briefing, Trump called the British PM ‘a very good friend of mine, and a friend to our nation’

Hydroxychloroquine is thought to halt the virus by interfering with its replication inside red blood cells 


The malaria drug chloroquine is the best coronavirus treatment currently available, according to an international poll of thousands of doctors. Pictured: hydroxychloroquine, a version of it, is prescribed in the US under the brand name Plaquenil

The malaria drug chloroquine is the best coronavirus treatment currently available, according to an international poll of thousands of doctors. Pictured: hydroxychloroquine, a version of it, is prescribed in the US under the brand name Plaquenil

What are the brand versions of the drug?


What does it treat?

Malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. It is a less powerful and, by some experts’ accounts, less toxic, version of chloroquine phosphate.

Who makes it and where has it already been tested?

Drug giant Sanofi carried out a study on 24 patients, which the French government described as ‘promising’. 

French health officials are now planning on a larger trial of the drug, which is used on the NHS. 

What have studies shown?

Results from the French study showed three quarters of patients treated with the drug were cleared of the virus within six days. None of the placebo group were treated. 

How does it work?

It interferes with viral molecules replicating in red blood cells.

Is it being tested in the UK?

It is thought to be among 1,000 drugs being tested at Queens University Belfast. 

What are its side effects?  

Skin rashes, nausea, diarrhoea and headaches.

What do the experts think?

Chinese scientists investigating the other form of chloroquine penned a letter to a prestigious journal saying its ‘less toxic’ derivative may also help.

In the comment to Cell Discovery – owned by publisher Nature, they said it shares similar chemical structures and mechanisms.

The team of experts added: ‘It is easy to conjure up the idea that hydroxychloroquine may be a potent candidate to treat infection by SARS-CoV-2.’

Trump said: ‘When you are in intensive care, it’s a big deal. So they [the drug companies] are there and they are ready.

‘They have everything with them, should it be needed. Hopefully it won’t have to be needed.

‘I found Boris to be a fantastic person, just like a fantastic, warm, strong, smart guy who loves his country. You’ll see that.

‘He fought for his country. Intensive care is big stuff.’ 

The US currently leads the world in coronavirus cases, with 377,499 infections and 11,781 deaths as of Monday evening. 

Nationwide, a new case is reported roughly every three seconds.  

In the UK, more than 51,608 cases have been reported, including 5,373 deaths. A new case is reported roughly every 18 seconds.  

The US currently leads the world in coronavirus cases, more than 368,200 infections and 11,000 deaths reported as of Monday. This map has not had new cases added from today

The US currently leads the world in coronavirus cases, more than 368,200 infections and 11,000 deaths reported as of Monday. This map has not had new cases added from today

In the UK, more than 51,608 cases have been reported, including 5,373 deaths

Johnson took a laid-back approach to addressing the coronavirus pandemic in his country in its early days – repeatedly downplaying the need for drastic measures such as social distancing.  

In early March he appeared to be on a mission to shake hands with people – despite global health guidelines – once revealing that he’d done so with hospitalized coronavirus patients.  

His rhetoric changed around March 16, when he publicly advised against mass gatherings.  

The UK finally shuttered nonessential businesses on March 20 – a week before Johnson tested positive for COVID-19. 

The prime minister subsequently began self-isolating at home while continuing to preside at daily meetings on the outbreak and releasing multiple video messaging urging Britons to heed social distancing guidelines.  

He was admitted to St Thomas’ Hospital with ‘persistent’ coronavirus symptoms on Sunday.

Hours before he was moved to the ICU, Johnson tweeted that he was in good spirits and thanked the UK’s National Health Service for taking care of him.  

British health experts have appeared unanimous in their view that the PM’s admission to intensive care means he is ‘extremely sick’. 

Johnson has asked foreign secretary Dominic Raab to deputize for him ‘where necessary’, although it is understood Raab will not formally become a temporary prime minister. 

Speaking after the PM was moved to intensive care, Raab insisted that ‘government business will continue’ and said there is a fantastic ‘team spirit’ among ministers. 

He also reassured that the premier was ‘receiving excellent care’ and thanked the NHS medics who were treating him and other patients across Britain.