Reddit Talk in the works, ready to rival Clubhouse

If you’ve been enjoying Clubhouse and love Reddit at the same time, you will be glad to know there will be the Reddit Talk. It’s a potential rival to Clubhouse from the people behind Reddit. It seems Clubhouse is THE social app to beat now since Facebook is also reportedly working on a Clubhouse-like product. Reddit Talk isn’t final and official yet but it’s under development and testing. A thread on reddit has introduced Reddit Talk and has given a sneak preview.

Reddit Talk is a new place where you can host live audio conversations for your communities–just like Clubhouse. It is where you can go and join in the fun in live audio talk. You can say it’s like entering a Zoom meeting where everybody can talk but it’s more than that.

This new feature can supplement all the social media apps and communities you frequent. It’s like a real-live hangout–only you’re online. It’s something we need these days when most of us are encourage to stay at home.

The preview on Reddit tells us how Reddit Talk works. It shows us how to start a talk that you can see within communities. Only a moderator can start a talk. You can join a talk when it is live.

Just join the room and listen in. You can react using emojis or speak. But you need to “raise your hand” first.

Moderators or hosts can invite, mute, or remove speakers during a conversation. They can invite speakers to co-host. Talks can also be personalized for communities. If you wish to try Reddit Talk, you can sign-up for the waitlist HERE.