Police could be ‘overwhelmed’ by drinkers and landlords who flout Boris Johnson’s ban on pubs

Boris Johnson’s ban on pubs could overwhelm the police and the courts if unruly drinkers and landlords decide to flout the new coronavirus rules. The Prime Minister announced tonight: ‘We’re taking away the ancient, inalienable right of free-born people of the United Kingdom to go to the pub, and I can understand how people feel … Read more

Britons stock up on alcohol after Boris Johnson’s coronavirus closure of pubs, bars and restaurants

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson FINALLY orders pubs to close

Which premises have to close and what happens if  they still refuse to? Boris Johnson ordered social venues to close their doors today. These are the sectors which are immediately affected:  Food and drink venues Pubs, bars and clubs Cinemas, theatres, concert and bingo halls Spas, indoor leisure and gyms Casinos and betting shops Museums … Read more

Last orders for London: Boris Johnson is expected FINALLY to order pubs across the capital to close

Boris Johnson ordered all pubs, bars, restaurants to shut down tonight in a dramatic lockdown to slow the spread of coronavirus. The Prime Minister told a press conference today that social premises that also include theatres, cinemas, gyms and sports centres must close ‘as soon as they reasonably can and not to reopen tomorrow’. It … Read more

Boris Johnson announces the start of coronavirus clinical trials in Britain

A malaria drug which could treat seriously ill coronavirus patients is already in short supply in the UK after US President Donald Trump revealed American hospitals would double down on using it. An NHS pharmacist warned MailOnline there are already shortages of the drug hydroxychloroquine, which is used to prevent malaria and treat lupus or … Read more

How Boris Johnson’s government changed its tune on coronavirus testing

Boris Johnson has pledged to urgently increase coronavirus testing despite saying less than three weeks ago that the NHS was ‘well-prepared’ for an outbreak. The Prime Minister told reporters in London yesterday that a ‘game-changing’ new test will be offered to hundreds of thousands of people as soon as possible. He added at Downing Street … Read more

How Boris Johnson’s government changed its tune on coronavirus testing

Boris Johnson has pledged to urgently increase coronavirus testing despite saying less than three weeks ago that the NHS was ‘well-prepared’ for an outbreak. The Prime Minister told reporters in London yesterday that a ‘game-changing’ new test will be offered to hundreds of thousands of people as soon as possible. He added at Downing Street … Read more

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson says cure trial includes UK patient

Boris Johnson today revealed the first British coronavirus patient is taking part in a drug trial in hope of finding a way to fight the killer infection. Researchers around the world are desperately hunting a cure, amid fears thousands more patients will be struck down by the life-threatening illness. The Prime Minister – who also announced … Read more

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson says cure trial includes UK patient

Boris Johnson today revealed the first British coronavirus patient is taking part in a drug trial in hope of finding a way to fight the killer infection. Researchers around the world are desperately hunting a cure, amid fears thousands more patients will be struck down by the life-threatening illness. The Prime Minister – who also announced … Read more

Confusion over Boris Johnson’s promise that schools will stay open for children of ‘key workers’

Boris Johnson’s pledge to give all children of key workers a school place during the coronavirus crisis descended into chaos and confusion today as parents helping to keep the country running were rejected from the emergency scheme. The children of any parent who works for the NHS or has a crucial role such as a supermarket delivery … Read more